The World Is Too Much With Us Essay

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For my “Remix Your Lit” CAP project I choose the poem called “The World Is Too Much with Us; Late and Soon” by William Wordsworth. For the poem I selected to create an artwork that embodies some important aspects of the poem, which I do have to say was both fun and enjoyable. With the use of Google and other sources available to me, I eventually understood what William Wordsworth was trying to explain in this poem by going line by line and understanding what each line meant then putting the pieces together. The poem seems to open with a complaint, saying that the world is out of alignment and that people are destroying themselves with the over focus on money and things, “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.” Another way to look at it is that mankind or even society might be seen as a burden on the world, as in "there's not enough space for both man and the earth" or "mankind has upset a delicate balance." Then the poem's tone of complaint continues as Woodsworth describes a separation between nature and humanity, “Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!” Even though boon is a reward, a benefit, or something for which to be thankful when paired with sordid meaning base or vile, we see Wordsworth …show more content…

One major similarity between my picture and the poem is that there are no people in my picture which ties to the fact that in the poem Wordsworth relays that people are too busy for nature. Another similarity is that my nature setting is shown in blurred fashion to compare to the visions that Wordsworth creates with his words. A difference is that where Wordsworth focuses on the sea, I have focused on a forest setting to depict that nature is all around us no matter where we are on the

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