Comparing The Weakness Of The Weimar Republic And Hitler's Rise To Power

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The Weakness of the Weimar Republic and Hitler's Rise to Power

The question directly relates to the idea that the political power of a country can be taken over by ambitious people in different ways. From our knowledge we know there is three ways this can be done…by take over by force, also known as a 'coup d'etat', in a more democratic and just way or by a political deal. In the 1920's and the 1930's Hitler led a right wing political party and was seen by many as a dictator. He wanted to overthrow and control the German government and he tried all three of these ways in an attempt to do so, some methods were more successful than others. In 1923 he tried the first method of a coup d' etat (takeover …show more content…

Numerous elections were held and this allowed Hitler to scheme his way to the top by 'wheeling and dealing'. Although by 1928 hitler's party only has 12 seats in the Reichstag but their was another additional factor which made all the difference. Hitler s efforts and the parties drive to succeed

The use of propaganda was a clever tactic of Hitler 's. he promoted ideas to the German people that they wanted to hear and relating to issues that appealed to them. He used this method in his attempt to win them over. Hitler was able to convince and almost brainwash people into believing that what he told them was the truth. He was a very skilled public speaker and he used this skill to distort the truth as it suited him, this was to his advantage. A twenty-five point programme was set up by the nazi party and was designed to appeal to all german people and all sections of their society; it included racist ideas and conveys hatred of non germans. He used the jewish people as scapegoats and blaimed them for all the problems in germany, he encouraged the german public to take on this opinion also. He used the method of force to make people belive he was powerful and his …show more content…

another factor possibly could be the economic collapse of germany during the great depression and the lack of support the Weimar republic showed. It was unable to deal with Germanys problems and this set Hitler in an ideal position to rise to power. The nazi party became more and more popular and by 1932 they had 230 seats in the Reichstag.

Hitler's opportunity to do a political deal came about during the great depression when there was a collapse of trade and the death of stresseman. The people of germany were desperate due to the increasing rate of unemployment and the increasing political instability: they were desperate and needed a strong government. Hitler was their "last hope". We can see clearly a distinct link between german unemployment figures and a rise in nazi seats in the Reichstag. People turned to Hitler for help due to the depression and the failure of the Weimar republic to cope with the ongoing problems in germany. In my opinion this is the main factor to why Hitler finally came about to doing a political deal.

In conclusion there were may contributing factors to hilters rise

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