Reasons for the Problems of The Weimar Republic in 1918 - 1923

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Reasons for the Problems of The Weimar Republic in 1918 - 1923

There were a number of reasons for the problems that the new Republic

had to face. It was a completely new government which had to be

established. They had to survive the defeat of the war and the lack of

confidence Germans had thus acquired -mainly over the political

system. There was an eminent amount of political resistance to the new

Republic, from right-wing nationalists, and on the opposite end of the

scale, left-wing communists - both of these groups using violence in

attempting to challenge the new Regime which they opposed greatly. The

Treaty of Versailles also created many problems, mainly affecting the

German economy, which was after all already weak due to the war.

During the First World War, Germany was lead by the dictatorship of

their Kaiser (Wilhelm), who ended up abdicating (9TH Nov. 1918) after

violent uprisings against him. He was replaced by the Weimar Republic

in 1918, with new president Ebert. The Democratic Republic was

something completely new to Germany, and the lost war gave the new

government a bad starting point - considering the loss was one of the

first things they had to inform the German public of. Previous to this

Germany had thought they would win the war because of the information

being fed to them by the Kaiser. They would associate bad news to this

new government; giving democracy a bad name. Nevertheless some people

did welcome the end of the war and the new beginning supporting Ebert.

Yet, some people went as far to say they had been

'stabbed-in-the-back' by Ebert - they blamed him and the new

government for their loss. I could infe...

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... people who would gain from the inflation. Anyone who had debts or

loans in 1920 would easily be able to pay these off now - leaving them

with something much more valuable - possibly land or a house etc. The

disaster that was hyperinflation desperately needed to be solved. A

new leader was brought in - Gustav Stresemann, he brought new support

to the government (he was a leading member of every govt.). He decided

that marks needed to be destroyed - so he came up with the Retenmark

to start the end of the hyperinflation crisis. To help rebuild

industry, Germany acquired loans of around 800million marks from the

USA under the 'Dawes Plan' and passive resistance was called off. With

time Germany's political status was rebuilt, the economy was under

control, and eventually they became accepted by the rest of Europe


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