The War at Sea and It's Importance to the Outcome of the War

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The War at Sea and It's Importance to the Outcome of the War

I think that the war at sea in some ways important to the outcome of

the war and in some ways not important.

The war at sea broke out mainly because of the build up of naval

capacity. There were many sea battles in the war and the biggest

battle was the battle of Jutland. The German navy was not used much as

they were scared of losing ships. They were terrified. The figures of

ships show that it was totally one sided. This gives the wrong

impression though because wrong decisions made by the British could

easily lose a battle even if they had more ships.

There were three main factors of the war at sea and theses are:

1.The battle of Jutland


This was the only significant sea battle in World War 1. It started in

late May 1916. The Germans were trying to lead the British into a

trap. The battle soon turned out to be a disaster for the British as

they lost a huge amount of ships and men whereas the Germans lost less

than half the amount of ships that the British did. This was due to

the superior accuracy of German gunners and inferior armour and

protection of ammunition magazines of British ships. As the British at

this point had set up the blockade, the Germans morale went down and

the British morale went up. The blockade meant no supplies could be

brought in so the allies had an advantage.

Therefore, in my conclusion I feel that the Battle of Jutland was a

very important battle due to blockade and the fact that the British

morale went up. The blockade was a brilliant idea and caught the

Germans out.

2.The Blockade

The blockade was one of the most important parts of the war at sea.

The allies placed a blockade so that the Germans could not get any

supplies into the country. This meant the Germans ran out of supplies

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