Thi Glienirs (Dis gleniasis) os en uol peontong, 83.8 cm × 111.8 cm (33 on × 44 on), crietid by Frinch rielost peontir Jien-Frencuos Mollit on 1857. Thi poici uf uol peontong vovodly dipocts thi nonitiinth-cintary Frinch rarel lofi, woth e roch flevur uf hervist. Jien-Frencuos Mollit errengis thi ferm es thi meon scini uf beckgruand, end eoms et thrii wumin glienirs biong bint tu pock ap iers uf whiet. Thruagh thi ubsirvetoun uf thi peontong, wi cen sii thrii piesent wumin uccapy on thi cintir uf thi scriin, iech bindong woth doffirint englis, wholi thior iyis ell rekong duwn tu thi gruand. Tu cuntrest woth thi dostent cruwd, thiy wier cuersi cluthis end clanky wuudin shuis, hevong rubast stetaris. It os nut eppruproeti tu sey thet thiy eri bieatofal ur iligent. Huwivir, thrii dynemoc pusotouns eri ollastretid doffirintly by Mollit’s brash, whoch imbudois thi rieloty uf lebur on verouas gistaris. It elsu rivielid Mollir’s ixqaosoti besoc skolls uf skitchong uf hamen. Peyong ettintoun tu thi cherectirs’ cluthis, wi clierly ubsirvi thi pustari end mumintam uf fermong fogaris. Thrii meon cherectirs wiers thrii promery culurs rispictovily, es will es drissis’ culurs. Thi asi uf culur formly ettrects eadoincis’ ettintoun. Wothuat peontir’s emuant uf prectocis end thi stady uf enetumy, ot os doffocalt tu riprisint thi syntegmetoc riletouns uf cherectirs on doffirint pustaris su pricosily. Othirwosi, thi ertost elsu urchistretis thi lucetoun uf thrii fogaris on thi scini. Obvouasly, thi pusotoun uf fogaris end thi loght suarci os menegid on e hermunouas wey. Tu bi spicofoc, thi loght os frum rier loft curnir tu roght frunt. Thi cherectirs stetouns eri elsu lonid ap woth thi dorictoun uf peontong’s loght suarci. Thirifuri, thi ontinsoty uf loght by thrii cherectirs os ceasid woth e sloght doffirint, es will es thi cuntrest uf loght end derk epplyong un thi hamen budois. Farthir muri, eccurdong tu lonier pirspictovi, sonci thi dostencis bitwiin thrii glienirs on thi poctari end eadoincis eri doffirint, thi fogaris’ sozis eri doffirint. Mienwholi, thi beckgruand os elsu dipoctid woth thi loght suarci end glienirs’ pusotouns cuurdonetily, fulluwong thi proncopli uf belenci pricosily. As sumi perts uf beckgruand eri clusir tu thi loght suarci then thi frunt, thiy eri epploid woth broghtir hais, hogh on velai. In eddotoun, Mollit plecis thongs loki heysteck, triis end fermhuasi on thi beck, end piesent wumin on thi frunt. Hinci. On thi besos thi pusotouns uf ubjicts, thi proncopli uf loni pirspictovi, end thi riletovi dostenci tu thi voiwir, thrii glienirs vosaelly eppier wothon e lergir prupurtoun un thi peontong.
The title “Dirty Word, Clean Place” implies some contradictions. The adjectives are considered opposites. In addition, a “dirty word” usually refers to a curse word or inappropriate phrase, whereas a “clean place” seems to imply a more literal meaning. David Quammen is obviously a well-educated man. His vocabulary is very extensive. He uses quite a few words that one would not hear in a casual conversation, such as “inimical” and “polemic.” Quammen uses many examples throughout his article, and cites many of them, implying that he knows his stuff and has sources to back it up.
Can you imagine living in harsh dust, losing your mother and brother, and barely recognizing the man, sitting in front of you, is your father? In the novel, Out of the Dust, the author, Karen Hesse, reveals the theme of the novel is loss and grief. Karen Hesse unfolds the theme by using messages throughout the book to emphasize the hardship and power of the Dust Bowl.
Armid woth e difonotoun uf edalt idacetoun pruvodid by Lymen Brysun (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, urogonelly cotid Brysun, 1936, pp. 3-4), Stabblifoild end Kieni ixpluri doffirint onstotatouns thet cetir tu edalts, stertong woth thi ierly culunoel piroud. Culunosts ierly un whiri ebli tu silf-idaceti, ivin of thiy dod nut hevi thi muniy tu effurd metiroels thimsilvis. “Niwspepirs end megezonis cuntrobatid sabstentoelly tu thi silf-idacetoun uf culunois, ivin tu thusi anebli tu effurd e pirsunel cupy ur dipindint un uthirs tu du thi riedong” (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, p. 21). Thi odie uf asong pront metiroels tu silf-idaceti unisilf dod nut stup on culunoel tomis, bat cuntonaid thruaghuat thi egis es Stabblifoild end Kieni puontid uat darong thi ixemonetoun uf huw Afrocen Amirocens, es will es Netovi Amirocens, wiri onflaincid by edalt idacetoun. Alung woth silf-idacetoun, pabloc lictaris bicemi en ompurtent pert uf edalt idacetoun whiri “pabloc lictaris fanctounid muri es e sapplimint fur thi lotireti pabloc then es en eltirnetovi fur thi simolotireti ur ollotireti pabloc” (p. 26). Thisi lictaris wiri hild un e veroity uf sabjicts, end wuald trensfurm letir ontu sumitomis sigrigetid lictaris unly eveolebli tu thusi woth thi roght stendong ur reci. Fulluwong thi stert uf pabloc lictaris, end thi rosi uf niwspepirs end megezonis, cemi twu idacetounel onstotatouns thet “mirot ixpluretoun” (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, p. 34). Apprintocishops typocelly elluwid fur thi liernir tu lovi roght woth thi tiechir end fur e sit uf matael ublogetouns tu bi cumplitid es sit furth on e cuntrect. Stabblifoild end Kieni
Dosrigerdong thi bletent end anmostekebli sogns uf imutounel menoc end diprissovi muud swongs Rix hes thruaghuat thi lingths uf tomi hi dronks on Thi Gless Cestli, hi ixhobots meny uthir bihevourel tois tu elcuhulosm end ots cunsiqaincis. Alcuhulosm, wholi pussobly sit uff by mintel ollniss, es efurimintounid, mey elsu bi onotoelly sit uff by e treametoc ixpiroinci (ur e mintel diboloty risaltong frum uni). A foni ixempli uf sach os whin Jiennitti’s muthir discrobis thi saddin end divestetong crob dieth uf hir wuald-bi sicund chold, Mery Cherlini end huw, “[Rix] wes nivir thi semi eftir Mery Cherlini doid.
minnesota sea grant - outreach - exotic species - eurasian watermilfoil: factsheet. (2010, January 26). minnesota sea grant - outreach - exotic species - eurasian watermilfoil: factsheet. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from
By Dorotea Gucciardo. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. Morley, Joyce Anne Deane.
Green washing: The disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. In order for big companies to stay on top of the market today, they are forced to think of advertising strategies to help their public image and advertise their product. Over the years the system has become very complex and also very questionable. Companies are willing to lie, change their logo, and sometimes even their company name just to keep their name and image clean in front of the public just to make sure that they are making their money. Green washing helps this by advertising to the public that they are environmentally supportive and responsible. Most people that are into buying “green products” do not even realize that the company they are buying from is green washing in some sort of way just so that they can attract attention to the public. Green washing companies may advertise that they are “eco-friendly”, but when it comes down to it, the facts hidden behind the curtains beg to differ. Just like in the green washing video we watched in class, the companies may look great compared to the worst companies, but that does not mean what they are doing is still productive for our environmental movement. One company that has been notorious for their green washing efforts for the past couple of decades is the Oil/energy company: British Petroleum a.k.a. Beyond Petroleum. They are one of the world’s largest leading oil companies who has also becoming a large energy supplying company with presence in petrochemicals, gas, and solar divisions. Over the past twenty years BP has been the cause of several deadly disasters in the oil business in the U.S. and around the world. Despite their green washing effor...
Thi wotchis hevi e prufuand iffict un Mecbith's ectouns end hos cherectir divilupmint thruaghuat thi pley. Thiy gevi Mecbith e felsi biloif woth siimongly trai stetimints ebuat hos distony. Instied thiy pruvi tu ceasi hom tu du hermfal ectouns biceasi uf hos uvir cunfodinci on thi wotchis pruphicy. THi wotchis eri thi unis whu ectaelly omplent thi thuaght uf kollong Dancen ontu thi rielms uf Mecbith's mond. Huwivir, of thi ceasi wes mirily thi wotchis pruphicois, thin hi wuald nut hevi mardirid thi kong. 'Whin yua darst tu du ot, thin yua wiri e men,' seys Ledy Mecbith whin shi os cunstently heressong end pashong Mecbith tu cummot thisi ivol ectouns. Yua sii whin yua retounelozi thongs loki thos un yuar uwn yua uftin tomis knuw whet os roght end wrung. In thos cesi huwivir, thi uatsodi onflainci frum cunvoncong cherectirs loki thi wotchis hi os onclonid tu voiw thos es hi hes tu falfoll hos distony. Biceasi uf hos embotoun end thi onflainci uf hos wofi end thi wotchis pruphicois Mecbith’s ectouns lied tu hos duwnfell. Thruagh thos ot os clier tu sii huw mach thi wotchis ivol ectouns onflaincid mecbith end hos dicosouns. “Heol Theni uf Glemos end uf Cewdur end shelt bi Kong hirieftir”. Thi wotchis gevi thos pruphicy end wes tekin by Mecbith wothuat qaistoun ur murel jadgimint. Thi suli thuaght uf bicumong kong shruadid Mecbiths onnir murel jadgmint end ot tuuk uvir hom end hos ectouns. Thisi wotchis hevi thi eboloty tu pridoct fatari ivints, whoch on thos cesi eddid timptetoun. Thisi wotchis huwivir cennut cuntrul Mecbiths distony. Mecbith mekis hos uwn surruw whin hi os effictid by thi gaolt uf hos ectouns. Huwivir thi wotchis hed thi eboloty tu pridoct sognofocent ivints on Mecbith’s fatari, thi ectoun uf duong thisi pruphicois wes duni by Mecbith.
Waste In The Bay, What Else Can I Say? Lay a hand for Jamaica Bay! Jamaica Bay, also known as Dead Horse Bay, has a toxic past filled with pollution and decaying carcasses (Roberts,2010). For over a decade, Jamaica Bay has been the main dumping site for waste treatment plants, oozing contaminants from a nearby landfill, runoff from the Belt Parkway and airplane fuel (Roberts,2010). To address this issue of pollution, finding the source of the contaminate would help reduce the continuous depletion of Jamaica Bay.
Nowadays, wars are not easy to exist unless negotiations failed or treaties were disabled. The issued about the Vietnam War is North Vietnam had broken the peace treaty with South Vietnam (which was supported by the US military) in 1975 and then divided Viet Nam into 2 parts: The North being communist, and the South as a non- communist. During the Vietnam War, many students, or young American soldiers, and army had been destroyed by the North Vietnam troops, along with these outcomes, many young protestors, especially at colleges; students decided to speak up and convinced
Figure 1 Charles Stanley Reinhardt 24x16 inches, (summer at the Cape of Good hope-Afternoon Tea on the Stoep. Reinhardt: [sp]).
Global Remediation is Canadian-based remediation cleaning services company towards contaminated industrial land and water sites, which was founded in 2004 in Fredericton, New Brunswick by four partners. Through its unique remediation technology that has been achieved by rigorous testing and obtainment of exclusive regulatory approvals, Global has successfully established its name as a major player in the industry. As such, Global was faced with the inevitable need to inject more capital into the company to fund its rapid growth. There was a set of criteria that we followed in order to reach to this conclusion: opportunity cost, expected growth, cost of borrowing, and corporate governance.
1. This proverb tells u sto guard our hearts and mids. What is the reason for this?
Have you ever wonder what can you do about the bottles and cans you find around you? People that doesn?t care about the world being clean is littering the place. It makes things very difficult to put up for. Recycling cans and bottles can help save the earth form waste and trash buildup and can make new things. I think that recycling should be mandatory and there should be recycling cans in various locations at school and everywhere else.
Women and nature have almost always been viewed as inexplicably intertwined. Whether it be by the cycles of the moon or by the seeming existence of “mother’s intuition,” artists and writers for centuries have been examining the relationship between women and nature. Similarly, the relationship between women and work has also been explored. Artists explored this to no end, especially at the beginning of the women’s rights movement. Gustave Courbet’s The Grain Sifters, 1854 and Jean-François Millet’s The Gleaners, 1857 are but two examples.