The Use of Letters in King Lear

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The Use of Letters in King Lear

William Shakespeare used letters as a dramatic device to reveal the

characters' loyalty and betrayal in his play King Lear. The purpose of the

letter is to develop the plot and reveal the characters' attributes. Three

letters help to develop the plot and reveal the characters of Edmund, Gloucester,

Goneril and Albany.

The first letter that appeared on the stage is Edmund's false letter.

The letter talked about Edgar's plan to kill to his father, Gloucester. Edmund

made up this letter to plan against his brother Edgar. Edmund lied to

Gloucester about the letter. This letter developed the subplot in King Lear and

it shows us that Edmund betrayed his brother. Edmund planned to destroy the

love of Gloucester for Edgar, so Edmund can get what he wants. This false

letter revealed that Edmund wasn't loyal to his family and he betrayed his



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