The Ugly Truth About Food Waste In America

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During this research paper, the point is to analyze a specific food issue: food waste, and how to help reduce it. Most people agree that food waste is getting out of hand, but they are not trying hard enough to prevent it because they do not know well enough what is really happening. “The Ugly Truth about Food Waste in America,” gives many interesting facts about this issue. It says that 40% of the food in the U.S. is uneaten, meaning Americans throw out $165 billion worth of food each year. As food waste decays, it produces methane; a potent greenhouse gas, which causes our planet to overheat. Not only is this gas being released, but tremendous amount of petroleum, and water are being wasted. Over 80% of water is consumed into producing food, …show more content…

Other reason is waste of resources, like it said before food needs water to grow. Less than 5% in the world is fresh water, and in some countries, is hard to find. In Africa, they have to walk miles in order to find a well or water hidden underground.
On “Law Change Could Cut Food Waste,” the author says there is always two sides to every story. Farmers spend a big amount of money cultivating and harvesting, and sometimes they do not get profitable deals from buyers, but still there seems to be so much food wastage. There have been suggestions of using technology to manage stock levels and reduce spoilage. Food Technology develops your skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and understand the importance of food to the well-being of individuals. Knowledge of commercial and domestic food production, the processes of experimentation and preparing food safely and nutritionally, are all factors …show more content…

It should be considered that sending food to these countries in quantities could potentially undermine the local food retail and supply infrastructure, thus causing more poverty and reliance on outside aid. The UK's waste problem can make it harder for people to secure the food they need, because overstocking can increase prices. (Vicious Circle of Food Waste) It is morally wrong for developed countries to waste so much food when other countries are less gifted. There are some people that try to raise money by making fundraisers and then sending the money or food overseas, others decide to make a more local approach, and take the leftovers from the restaurants and give it to homeless people. Either approach is a big step in changing the way food is used. Other helpful example is “To End Food Waste, Change Needs to Begin at Home.” This audio talks how food is the number one thing being wasted in the country, even more than paper and plastic. Dan Nickey says that the biggest part of the problem is that consumers can afford waste because the food is very cheap, and in so much quantities, that people take it for granted and just assume it will always be there. A fact is that 40 to 50 percent of food waste comes from consumers and 50 to 60 percent from businesses. This means that food companies, grocery stores, and restaurants need to take responsibility too.

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