The Tunnel Metaphors

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Most people are familiar with the “light at the end of the tunnel” metaphor. Its familiarity lends to its ability to strike a chord within all of us. Each of us has had a time in our life where hope is the sole driving force behind our will to move forward. The phrase, “light at the end of the tunnel”, means much more than what is conveyed literally. It often reaches out off a page, a screen, or someone lips and plays a familiar solemn tune within each one of us. It strikes a memory, and with that memory many emotions can follow. The emotion that resurges from within is what truly makes an impact. The emotion one feels is what truly makes this idiom more than an idiom. The emotion is what aids this phrase in its stand against the test of time.
All it takes is a moment of analyzation to realize this metaphor’s true applicability. Many individuals go through this metaphorical tunnel everyday of their lives. They start at the tunnel's entrance. Looking inside, all they can see is the …show more content…

They reach the halfway point where the darkness is at its peak. Although physically quiet, a seemingly endless stream of negative thoughts may begin to loudly nag at them from the darkest recesses of their mind. Alone now, there is nothing to distract them from what they truly feel. Thoughts may begin to pop into one’s head: regrets, mistakes, fears, worries. They could begin to panic and contemplate huddling down and screaming. “Surely someone would hear me,” they may think.”Someone must be willing to trek the path and come to my aid eventually.” At times when one hits rock bottom, it's critical that we find hope. It may be easy for some to call it quits and hope that someone else is strong enough to save them. Although they have hope, that hope is horribly misplaced. It is crucial that one learns to rely on themselves instead of others. In order to progress, one must be able to push aside fears and be optimistic about what is to

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