The Truth About Anne Frank Essay

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The Truth About Anne Frank Who is Anne Frank? Anne Frank is a young jewish girl who lived at the time of the Holocaust. Anne and her family were forced to go into hiding due to the persecution and genocidal intent of the Nazi party. What makes Anne’s experience unique from the many jewish people that were forced to hide, is that she documented her physical and emotional experiences within a diary. Since then, her diary has been rewritten and edited by various people such as playwrights Goodrich and Hackett, various authors, and even her father Otto Frank. These individuals edited the play for numerous different reasons. For example, in the Diary of Anne Frank, written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. The playwrights edited the play …show more content…

Ironically, there adjustments transformed Anne into an over optimistic, too cheerful girl. Contradicting how Anne truly portrayed herself. For example, in Act 1 scene 2, Goodrich and Hackett paint a picture of anne jokingly removing a pair of panites , quickly Anne’s mother reacts in a shocked manner , then in a lighthearted tone Anne responds “It’s alright i’ve got on three more.” (Goodrich and Hackett 15). At this moment everyone in the audience laughs, the playwrights provide a light hearted, comically relieving scene to a grim moment. But was it worth it? By doing this the playwrights changed Anne they made her someone she is not. Diminishing her true personality. If you have read Anne's actual diary you would know that Anne’s emotional state was completely different than what the playwrights portrayed. In her diary Anne realistically portrays her feelings emotionally and physically, something that the play version simply does not provide. In a particular entry Anne states that “after May 1940 the good times were few and far between” (Frank, June 20, 1942). This is the real Anne. Not a censored, washed out, over optimistic interpretation that the playwrights implement. The reflections displayed by Anne provide insight to side of Anne that is nonexistent in plays

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