The Truth About 9/11

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The Truth About 9/11 I’d have to say that it is difficult to view all of the footage of the World Trade Center and not think that some stories that are being fed to us Americans are not the full truth. For all of the events that take place in the world to be so heavily covered by the media, I still don’t seem to grasp a clear picture of what’s really going in the world abroad and neither do the rest of the American people. I believe that the president is to alert the American people of important matters concerning our well being. I can’t help but feel a certain amount of betrayal from our president and administration for not taking further action to stop these planes while they were still in the air seeing that they indeed had prior knowledge of these attacks. I am glad to see that the American people are seeking the truth and I believe that we have every right to ask the government questions. The problem that is posed is the fact that the government is not answering these questions for us nor are attempting themselves to research these concerns that we have. The group of Americans, as mentioned above, have come to be called the 9/11 Truthers; part of the truth movement. They believe that the attacks on 9/11 were an inside job with help of government organizations. They aim to use the flawed stories and overwhelming evidence to support their side of the issue. The first issue I want to deal with is the hole that was made when the Boeing 757 hit the pentagon. The 9/11 debunkers (people who believe the contrary to the 9/11 Truthers) say that the plane did indeed hit the pentagon and have both pictures and videos to prove this point. They said that there was only small debris left of the plane because the rest of the plane was vaporized. They have gone on record saying that they have interviewed all of the clean up crew that day and that they indeed see a plane. The debunkers have also said that the plane bounced off the ground before it hit the pentagon. Now the truthers have argued that this is completely false. The hole in the pentagon was twenty feet in diameter, shaped as a circle. There are no visible marks on the grass where the debunkers claimed that the Boeing 757 bounced off of to hit the pentagon.

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