For centuries, man has dreamt of constructing pristine simulated worlds , existing in a separate sphere from our imperfect reality. From the town of Pullman, a company town south of Chicago to Disney World, attempts to force Utopia have failed, falling prey to the complications of people’s personal desires. The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, tells us the story of The Truman Show, an elaborate reality show built around the control of one man’s life. Christof, the director, has created an entire living city for Truman, the star of his show, and the only one not in on this whole elaborate fakery. Essentially, Truman is living his life in the simulation of a flawless, archetypal American town, for the entertainment of millions of viewers around the world. Christof, along with countless others obsessed with the idea of controlling part of the world to fit their visions of an ideal reality, have deluded themselves into thinking fictional utopias can exist apart from the undeniable constraints of reality. Their fundamental flaw lies in relying on the assumptions of psychological behaviorism, and the belief that they could perfectly condition the behavior of the inhabitants follow the goals of the community.
In order for Christof’s scheme to work, Truman must be unaware that he’s living in a simulation, and be satisfied with the simulated life that’s presented to him. As much as possible, Christof and his crew try to control every element of Truman’s life. A massive dome is installed over Seahaven, Truman’s home town, complete with weather-control devices, an artificial sun, moon, and sky, and cameras capturing almost every angle of the town from above. Everyone, from his friends to his wife, have been carefully selected and p...
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...e no reason to continue complying with the artificial motives of The Truman Show, and the town loses its Utopian status.
Works Cited
Graham, G., "Behaviorism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Edward N. Zalta (ed.), “”.
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Tolman, E. C. & Honzik, C. H. "Insight" in Rats, University of California Publications in Psychology, 1930.
The Truman Show. Dir. Peter Weir. Perf. Jim Carrey. Paramount Pictures/Scott Rudin Productions, 1998. DVD.
"A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Ivan Pavlov." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. .
Skinner, B. F. Walden Two. New York: Macmillan, 1976. Print.
contrast to the girl he is supposed to, and does marry, because the girl is as real as his wife is fabricated. Truman subconsciously recognises this.
A society where there is no evil, no crime, and no errors. The Truman Show shows that different people have different ideas of utopia. Throughout his whole life everyone around Truman was controlled by Christof, so that Christof could create a perfect society, or utopia, for Truman. Everything Truman did was tracked so that Christof could fix anything out of place. His utopia was a place where everything was perfect, clean, and essentially just stereotypical, so he made that happen for Truman. However Truman’s idea of utopia didn’t click with Christof’s, so therefore it wasn’t true utopia. Truman then attempted to escape from Christof’s trap to get closer to his utopia. Truman’s idea of utopia was freedom to do what he wanted, but Christof ended any element of that. This shows that utopia isn’t entirely possible and that different people have different utopias, and since utopia means perfect society, it can’t happen as society is people living
John B.Watson, R Rayner, (February, 1920), Journal of Experimental Psychology, Conditioned Emotional Reactions, Vol. lll, No. i.
Thorndike, E. L. The elements of psychology. New York: A. G. Seiler , 1905. Print
This show is about a man, Truman Burbank who lived in an idyllic town of Seahaven. However, he was unaware that he was placed on a stage setting complete with a false sky, that everyone else was an actor and that his entire life was being broadcast to the millions of people who tuned in everyday. “The Truman Show” was directed by the TV director Christof – from his vantage point in the sky (Propagandee, 2012).
The movie, 'The Truman Show' is about a reality television show that has been created to document the life of a man who, adopted at birth by a television network, is tricked into believing that his life, his reality, is normal and the environment that he lives is real. It is set in a town called Seahaven, which is essentially a simulation of the real world similar enough to the outside world that the viewing audience can relate to it. The town is a television studio inside an enormous dome in which the weather, the sun, the sky, and all the actions of the citizens are directed by a team of special effects people. The entire show is directed and produced by the creator of the show, Christof. Truman Burbank, the star of the show, is the only one who doesn't know that he lives in a giant studio and is surrounded by an illusion of reality. The entire world watches Truman's movements twenty four hours a day, seven days a week through the use of thousands of miniature hidden cameras.
Hergenhahn, B. R. (2009). An introduction to the history of psychology (6th ed., p. 224,
Webb, Wilse. History Of Psychology. Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology 9.1 (1989): 44-45. PsycARTICLES. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.
century. In G. A. Kimble & K. Schlesinger (Eds.), Topics in the history of psychology (Vol. 2,
Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, portrays the cost of selling oneself to the American Dream. Willy Loman, the central character, is madly determined to achieve affluence that he overlooks the value of his family and himself in the process. He instills in his sons, Biff and Happy Loman, that being charismatic will hand them a prosperous lifestyle. Happy trusts in his father’s ideology while Biff’s beliefs contradict them. Biff deems that success is a product of happiness and contentment, not a paycheck. Out of all the sociological theories, social conflict best emphasizes the author’s perspective of how conflict, through class and family, can deteriorate the American dream. By analyzing the play’s themes- social class and family- through the sociological perspectives: structural-functional, social conflict, and symbolic interactionist, we can predict what drives these characters to behave and perceive things the way they do.
In The Truman Show, Truman discovered the meaning of freedom and broke away from all the lies and machinations and became truly free. He made one of the toughest decisions to leave behind his old life and start a new life on his own terms. Life is full of tough choices but it is better to choose for yourself and live with the consequences than have someone else decide your life for you.
Truman displays great zeal for life like a lunatic, but he discovers that his life was not real. He then goes on, with the same, undying fanaticism to investigate the living hell that was once his happy life. In his methods, he embodies the Socratic virtues of courage and temperance as he lunges forth like a great tiger somewhere in Africa. He then finds wisdom by realizing the truth, and deciding to leave the comfortable fake-world for the uncertain real world. The cast lacks the courage and the wisdom to tell Truman the truth, the director has all three but in all the wrong ways, and the audience lacks the wisdom to know that by not watching the show they free Truman, lacks the temperance for indulging on the show every day, and lacks the courage to do something more productive with their lives in the time they spend watching the Truman Show. The audience chooses to live in that world over their own, and some grow enough obsession to delude themselves by favoring Truman’s world and living as if they are on the
The Truman Show. Dir. Peter Weir." Perf. Carrey, Jim. Paramount Pictures: 1998, Web. 24 July 2011..
The Truman Show is a movie about a man whose whole life is a lie; his marriage, his friends, his job and everything that his every known. Ever since he was born, Truman has been film in a live television series without his knowledge. The media entertains its’ people by twisting Truman’s realism in which they give him false information about everything he knows and everything that has ever happen to him.
Hergenhahn, B. R., & Henley, T. B. (2014). An introduction to the history of psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.