The Three Marriages In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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In the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie has many relationships throughout the years. She lives with two men who did not treat her fairly, and after them, she meets Tea Cake. He is her first love and treats her much better. This essay compares Janie's three marriages with Logan, Joe, and Tea Cake. Some of the things different with each marriage is what initially pulls her to each man, how they differ from one another, and what Janie learns from each experience. Firstly, Logan and Janie have a hard relationship. Logan Killicks is Janie’s first husband, and Logan’s feelings towards Janie are not really given. He is an old and ugly man, and this lack of happiness Logan reveals is suitable given the emptiness he shows to Janie, and the things we do know about him are undesirable traits. Janie only married Logan because her Nanny wanted her to because It was all …show more content…

He is Janie's real first love, and is finally happy with him. Tea Cake was the most contrasting between the husbands because he allowed Janie to discover her voice and be herself again. He let her do things that women of the time weren't allowed to do normally because he believed she was equal. He loved Janie for herself and nothing less. Their relationship was not based off material things. All three husbands hit Janie but Tea Cake was the only somewhat justified one because Janie did not mind it. She was using her old relationships come into play by not saying anything, just like she did for the last two. In the book it says, “Janie awoke the next morning by feeling Tea Cake almost kissing her breath away. Holding her and caressing her as if he feared she might escape” (107). Janie cannot help but think about Tea Cake and how much she loves him. He stand for the feeling of happiness that Janie had always dreamed of. Janie finally realizes what love is. They listen to each other and treat one another as equal

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