The Teachings And Contributions Of Martin Luther And The Protestant Reformation

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Martin Luther was an important theologian in Christian history in the 1400 and 1500s. He was a pioneer of religious freedom and led to a religious revolution called during the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther contributed much to the history of the Church as he was a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, started the Reformation, and searched for the truth throughout his ministry. When Martin Luther was confronted by God in a storm, he became a priest. He realized that he was a sinful being and wanted to do all that he could to live like Jesus and be an example of his unending grace. By recognizing what he was doing was wrong and repenting, he became more like Jesus through this act of submission and transition. Since he was a lawyer before …show more content…

By doing this, Luther was challenging the Church’s teachings and views about indulgences. Many people listened to Luther and his explanation as to why the purchase of indulgences was wrong. Other points Luther makes in his 95 Theses are that the Pope has no power over Purgatory and that buying indulgences gives people false hope and a false sense of security. In 1517, he nailed his famous 95 Theses to the doors of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. In the 95 Theses, Luther questions the Church and proposes a debate. After, he sent a copy of his 95 Theses to Albert Mainz, then Mainz sent a copy to the Pope. These writings were the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. The printing press, created by Gutenberg in 1440, was used to print Luther’s writings as well. The Reformation spread like wildfire. Luther did not write in a harsh tone, but rather in a humble tone. The underlying theme of the 95 Theses is that the Bible is the central source of Protestantism and that faith alone will bring you salvation, not deeds. Other things highlighted in this writing is the criticism of selling of indulgences and Afterwards, Luther translated the Bible in the vernacular. He thought that God’s Word was for everyone and should be in the “everyday” language and not just the language of …show more content…

The Pope issued a papal bull that said that Luther’s writings were heresy and thereby excommunicated him out of the Catholic Church. Luther did not recant so he was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Later, he was called to defend his beliefs at the Diet of Worms. At the Diet of Worms, he said “Here I stand. God help me. I can do no other.” After he defied the Diet, he was declared an outlaw and heretic. This quote signified that Luther was asking help from God because he was frustrated that no one in the council thought what he was saying was true. Since he was a lawyer before he became a priest, he asked many questions searching for the truth of the righteousness of God. Throughout his life, Luther always debated with others about why they believe what they believe. He suffered for these questions in ways such as excommunication, as said earlier, and always being on the run. He had a great impact on Christians because he taught us to always question incorrect authority and not be misguided into their beliefs. Luther said, “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.” This quote goes along with his Diet of Worms and how he refused to recant. He knew what he was saying was glorifying God, even if others could not see it. He was standing up for what he believed in, which teaches us to do the same. He was ultimately kicked out of the church for not renouncing his

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