The Strict Father Model

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The strict father model is based on the assumption that a family consists of a father and a mother, whereas the father serves as the head of the family who is a protector and a supporter of the family. This family lives under the assumption that the world is dangerous and that there are several challenges the family needs to compete in and these competitions need to be won. The family differentiates between absolute moral rules which are either wrong or right. However, the father is the family member who determines these moral standards and his decisions need to be obediently followed by the rest of the family. Consequently, to accept the father´s moral rules is considered as moral und to violate them is considered as immoral. The mother´s …show more content…

Thereby, exercising authority as an elected politician is seen as moral and must be accepted by everyone. Consequently, the authority of a politician must be used to punish those who fail to behave in this way. Another assumption is that those who succeed without having earned it behave morally wrong, since they lack the necessary discipline in life. The other way around, if someone fails in life because of this lack of discipline he or she deserves the consequences. Hence, “[S]ocial programs, which give people things they haven’t earned, lessen people’s incentive to be disciplined and, hence, to be moral.” (Lakoff “Thinking Points: Communicating Our American Values and Visions”). As a result, social programs should be abolished according to this world view. Accordingly, a government which supports taxation and other political regulations is seen as inefficient. Therefore, it can be concluded that someone who has acquired wealth can do anything with this money and has a better option to use it as the government, since it leads to efficient work. The public security is here seen as an exception – common wealth needs to fund the security of a nation. A hierarchy is appreciated since those who have more talent and discipline are considered to have earned it since everyone has the same opportunity in a market who is assumed to be fair to become

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