The Stereotypes Of The Human Face

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According to McNeill (2000), the face is the most important and mysterious surface we deal with. The face is like a window, instantly exposing the age, sex, character, health, and ethnicity of its wearer (Zebrowitz, 1997). It houses the five classic senses and adorns personal documents that require the identity verification, such as passports or driver's licenses. The face further represents the classic icon of power and authority and is depicted on coins, currency, stamps, or political posters. Especially in East Asia, the term "face" is referred to one's status and dignity (Ho, 1976). Each human face is unique and one of the most fundamental parts of the body for self-recognition and individual identity (Kim et al., 2013). The selection …show more content…

Consequently, faces show elevated phenotypic variation and lower between-trait correlations compared to other bodily traits (Sheehan & Nachnam, 2014). The face is a key feature used in social recognition and has a decisive impact on social interactions. Due to the frontal orientation of the eyes and their stereotypic vision, individuals interact mainly face to face (Heesy, 2004). Consequently, the face inclines to be the primary target of attention when one encounters another person and it remains continuously available during social interaction (Palermo & Rhodes, 2007). The face is conceivably the most prominent and richest source of information about another person and suggested to be the most biologically and socially significant stimulus in the social environment (Re & Rule, 2015; Todorov, Said, Engell, & Oosterhof, 2008). Moreover, the face is emotionally significant to most individuals and represents an emotional stimulus regardless of its emotional expression, enabling us to distinguish friend from foe and conveying crucial information for social interactions (Van’t Wout & Sanfey, 2008). The ecological approach to person perception (Gibson, 1979) states that the function of face perception is to provide adaptive information about a specific

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