The Squire's Tale

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The Squire's Tale

The Squire's tale ends two lines into its third section, and

following this abrupt termination is the "wordes of the Frankeleyn to the

Squier." The Franklin praises the young Squire's attempt at a courtly

romance and says that he wishes his own son was more like the Squire. This

is followed by the "wordes of the Hoost to the Frankeleyn." Many critics

believe that the words of the Franklin to the Squire are intended as an

interruption of the tale that threatens to go on far too long. However, I

believe the words of the Franklin to the Squire were not meant to be an

interruption at all. There are four main reasons why I believe the passage

was not meant to be an interruption: one, the Franklin's admiration of

gentillesse would have made him reluctant to interrupt the Squire; two, the

passage ends two lines into the third section when the logical place for an

interruption would be at the end of the second section (Clark, 160-161);

three, the passage is similar to that of the Host to Chaucer after his Tale

of Melibee- which was an end comment, not an interruption ; and four, the

structure and tone of the passage does not seem to be that of an


In praising the Squire, the Franklin mentions how he is impressed

with his "gentilly" (674) or "gentillesse" (694). If we are to believe

what the Franklin is saying, that he admires his gentillesse and that he

wishes his son "myghte lerne gentillesse aright" (694), we should also

assume the Franklin would try and also show gentillesse. In fact, from the

General Prologue we know that the Franklin was a member of Parliament and a


... middle of paper ...

...n it. It therefore

would be a likely possibility that the passage is just one more loose end.

Works Cited

Clark, John W. "Does the Franklin Interrupt the Squire?" Chaucer Review 7

(1972): 160-61

Peterson, Joyce E. "The Finished Fragment: A Reassessment of the Squire's

Tale." Chaucer Review 5 (1970): 62-74

Seaman, David M. "The Wordes of the Frankeleyn to the Squier: An

Interruption?" English Language Notes 24 (1986): 12-18

Spearing, A. C. The Franklin's Prologue and Tale. London, 1966

Specht, Henrik. Chaucer's Franklin in the Canterbury Tales: The Social

And Literary Background of a Chaucerian Character. Copenhagen, 1981

Manly, John M. and Rickert, Edith. The Text of the Canterbury Tales,

Studied on the Basis of all Known Manuscripts. Chicago, 1940

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