The Sound Machine Short Story Analysis

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Plot, Character and Setting in “The Sound Machine” Every day we hear many sounds around us, however, have you ever hear the terrible sound from the pain of tree? In the short story, "The sound machine" was written by Roald Dahl, it focus on the character who is Klausner heard the terrible sound. This same story was directed into a film by Zahid Chohan. There is same content, but some details are different, however, it did not change the main point of the story. The basic story involves Klausner who invented the machine. Then he came to the garden and suddenly he heard the terrible sound from the headphone as his neighbor was cutting the rose. In the next day, he attempted to take experiment as he took the axe into the greet tree, and then he also heard the sound from the hurting of the tree. Finally, he called his doctor to come to there to hear the sound. Unfortunately, a doctor did not hear the sound except him. There are some differences in the way that the author and the director describe characters, plot, and setting in the short story and the film, however, the overall meaning is similar in both of short story and the film. In the short story "The sound machine", the author described the plot step by step with many details to catch reader 's …show more content…

The character attracts reader that he heard the sound from hurting the plants. "Tree…oh tree… I am sorry…I am sorry …bit it will heal …it will heal fine". This quotation persuades that he is concern about the hurt of the tree. After his experiment, he is so bored and disappointed from hearing the sound. Besides, he is hard working as he spent a whole day to create a sound machine. Then he tried to listen to the sound by taking many experiments. Moreover, he is too insane as he is the only person can hear the terrible sound. He convinces audiences through whole his

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