The Solution for Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy
Scared, stressed, and embarrassed these words describe the emotions of a young teenager who has discovered to be pregnant. Sadly, many young women between the ages thirteen through twenty have experienced these emotions in coming to terms with being a mother and having a major full-time responsibility at such a young age. The main concern with teenage pregnancy is not just the fact that a young child is pregnant; however, the concern is with what is influencing the youth to be irresponsible. What is the primary influence on teenagers, and what possible solutions can be made to help resolve the teenage pregnancy problem? The truth will be revealed as to why teenagers are becoming more openly pregnant, and why parents, along with the teen’s environment, hold a major role in teenage pregnancy.
The problem with teenage pregnancy presents itself at the home, where there is no relationship between the parent and the child. According to Bill Albert, Senior Director of the National Campaign to prevent Teen Pregnancy, “The quality of parents’ relationship with their teenager...

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