The Sociopolitical Theory Of Karl Marx By Karl Marx

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Karl Marx (1818-1883) is a German philosopher and revolutionary socialist. Karl Marx born in Prussia on May 5, 1818. He began exploring sociopolitical theories at university among the Young Hegelians after that he became a journalist and his socialist writings expelled him from Germany and France. In 1848, he published The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels and then he was exiled to London, where he wrote his first volume of Das Kapital.

Marx wrote about politics, society and logics which collectively known as Marxism. Marx told us about human nature and its behavior. Marx talk about the society, according to Marx a society is self when each individual in a society is free to perform any task. He/she …show more content…

Marx instruct power as a faculty and need as a desire. The faculty refer to the responsibility that one has a responsibility toward the society and desire refer to aim to be attain or something we don’t have but wish to have it. The capitalist version of marx s his theory of alienation. Marx devote 400 pages on theory of alienation. Marx materialist conception of human nature has been the main target of catholic criticism. According to marx the man possesses certain power and need for some he call it natural and other species. In marx conception of reality, power are related to their future forms as well as with other entities in the present. Marx talk about the natural man in which he compare the living of man, animal and other species and their functioning. For instance marx told that there are some animals who undergo into the earth and perform activities to stay alive. The desire to be alive. Marx indicate that man possesses some natural power that help him to realize his need and power. Need is what that actualize his ability and tendency to obtain. Marx talk about realization and manifestation. For example hunger, it is the need of a person and it help a person to realize his abilities and tendencies so that one can achieve hi desire. Marx talk about the senses of a person in the realization process of a man. Marx said human being as a limited being because of the restriction which surround him by his desires and activities. In marx concept of human nature, man manifest himself in two being one is by looking, smelling, sounding, feeling like a man. Secondly and most important marx manifest man into species through activity of kind, pace and quality that done by human being. In human species each individual have different need and power. Power is what that conceive one from the

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