The Significance Of The Title Of Colored People By Henry Louis Gates

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I think that there could be many reasons the title of the book “colored people” was significant to Henry Louis Gates JR. Throughout the memoir he speaks on his hometown and his life between the 50’s through the 70’s. The way he grew up he saw many things that would influence his decision. He also had many experiences with all types of people that would also shape the significance of the title. I think that the simplicity of the title “colored people” summarizes the theme of the memoir as a whole because of that is basically what his memoir was about. He speaks on what his life was like growing up and how he was raised during key points in the civil rights movement. His different view on the black race is what is significant because he feels that there are many types of niggers. I doubt that the title was chosen by random because he was very smart and went to college which was common in his family. I think that the title symbolizes how we as black people put ourselves in different categories because of the color of our skin we come from the same place, and are all black.

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