The Shame Theory: The Milwaukee Monster By Jeffrey Dahmer

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Jeffrey Dahmer also known as The Milwaukee Monster was one of those cases where most people would call him a “Sick Bastard” put him away and throw away the key. He was a less than ordinary person who did atrocious things to others, but I think that in this case the quiet ones are definitely the ones that need to be watched. My initial reaction to Dahmer was that he seemed like that stereotypical kid that no one would have ever thought he would become a serial killer and I would have to agree with them because I thought he was too small to do the things that he did. He seemed like he was the quiet boy next door who played online video games all day and never left his house but all types of people are serial killers. Dahmer was portrayed as Although I mentioned that Shame Theory described some of Dahmer’s action, I ultimately believe he was a violent person who enjoyed killing his victims. Violence Theory would best suit Dahmer because the theory states that the intentional act of aggression towards anything/ physical with intentions to physically harm or commit an act that will result in harm of another person. Dahmer intended to physically harm his victims he would lure them back to his apartment subdue and/or drug them, kill them, have sex with their corpse, dismember their bodies and keep body parts to satisfy him sexually later. Dahmer genuinely enjoyed committing these crimes and he did not have any remorse for doing Monsters have a past just like everyone else and I think that at some point in Dahmer’s early life he developed an antisocial personality that led him to his fascination with necrophilia and dismemberment. Maybe someone attempted to intervene and it didn’t work because he was already too far gone. If Dahmer did have an antisocial personality, I think that he may have felt like killing people was the only way he could express himself because he didn’t learn properly. My purpose is not to justify any of Dahmer’s actions because I believe that he knew right from wrong my point is that monsters are made not born and that even though Dahmer was very brutal and violent in his killings there was reason besides the fact that he enjoyed doing it. When Dahmer was caught I think that most people wrote him off meaning they had already decided that he was the devil so I didn’t matter if he had a mental disorder people wanted Dahmer to pay for what he did. I think that monsters are made because the aggression that Dahmer possessed had to have come from somewhere and I think that at some point in his life he developed these aggressive feelings and he choose to take his aggression out on his victims. In conclusion even though Dahmer committed terrible crimes and his actions

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