The Shallows: How Technology Has Affected Our Lives

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The book The Shallows is about the power of the Internet and how it has changed our brains and how we behave. In Chapter 5 Carr focuses on how the advances in technology have affected our every day lives. He claims, “Our use of the Net will only grow, and its impact on us will only strengthen, as it becomes ever more present in our lives.” I agree with what Carr is saying here. The Internet will always be apart of our lives and it will continue to grow as the new technologies come out.
The Internet has become such a huge part of everyone’s life; it would be hard to imagine a world without use of the net anywhere you are. A few years ago the Internet was just something I would use when I was near a computer and needed to look up some information. Then the smart phone come out, and I got my first iPhone. Now, I have use of the net all the time and I do not know what I did before I got my iPhone. It is like I am attached to it. I am constantly using my phone to check scores and get updates. When my phone goes off I feel the need to look at it, and if I do not look at it, it is all I think about. …show more content…

People will pre-order things months in advance just so they have a leg up on everyone. There are people who stay in-line and camp out over night, just so they make sure they can get their hands on the new technology. People are willing to pay an outrageous amount of money for new ways to use the Internet like phones, tablets, video game consoles, computers, laptops, and now even TV’s have Internet capabilities. It’s becoming an Arms Race between the companies trying to make the next best product and the consumers trying to get a hold of that

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