The Role of Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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The Role of Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare The witches present modern directors with great difficulties. Consider the role of the witches and suggest how they can be made as successful for a modern audience as they would have been for a contemporary audience. In Shakespeare’s day, the thought of the witches scared people as they thought that they had witches living among them, casting spells on them and trying to do them harm. This fear was fuelled by the King at the time, James I, who believed strongly in the Divine right of Kings. This meant that he thought he derived his authority from God and so could not be held responsible for his actions by any authorities on earth. He felt that if he was God’s representative on earth, then Satan must also have one. He wrote a book on demonology, which talked about witches powers and origins. Due to this, it would have been very easy to make the witches seem frightening to an audience of that time. Nowadays however, people do not believe in witches and are not as superstitious. This makes it much more difficult for a director to make them as frightening as Shakespeare intended them to be. Shakespeare managed to make the witches seem evil by using a variety of techniques. One way was by giving the witches scary looking costumes. This could be achieved by wearing dark, worn out clothes and having dirty matted hair. Make-up could be worn to make them ugly and give them warts and blemishes on the face to make them seem unclean and unhealthy. Banquo says that they: “Look not like th’inhabitants o’th’earth.” This would have made the audience think of them as demon l... ... middle of paper ... ...r method which could be used is to make their environment cold and desolate. Rooms they are in could have dead plants, no windows and dark damp walls. This would give the impression that they bring death and darkness with them wherever they go, making them seem more evil and sinister to the audience. They could also act cruelly to each other. This would make them seem more evil as they are even cruel to people who they are ‘friends’ with making them seem like they do not care for anyone other than themselves and are incapable of love or proper interaction with others. In conclusion, a modern director would have a harder job making the audience scared of the witches. They would have to use more psychological methods to scare them and adapt the witches’ characters so that they are more relevant to modern society.

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