The Role of Water in Living Organisms

679 Words2 Pages

The Role of Water in Living Organisms

Water is one of the most abundant molecules on planet earth; it is

found in vast amounts not only in earthly enviroments (oceans, lakes

and rivers), but is also present in the atmosphere, and as solid ice

in the two poles. Consequently it is rather logical that water plays

an important role in biological life: the origins of life occurred in

water and life itself wouldn't be able to continue in it's absence .

I will now describe the structure of a water molecule. It consists of

an oxygen atom covalently bonded to two other atoms of hydrogen. The

two bonds form a 105 degrees angle with eachother, but for the reason

that oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, the shared electron

charge of the covalent bond is distributed more towards this atom,

making the water molecule weakly polar. Always due to reasons related

to the distribution of the charge water is able to form weak hydrogen

bonds, both to other water molecules and also to many other types of

polar molecules. This is a very essential characteristic, which allows

water to have unique properties.

Water's ability to form weak H-bonds to other polar molecules allows

the anion and the cation of a polar-bonded molecule to separate from

one another, and go into solution. Evene large molecules such as

proteins can form enough H-bonds with water to become soluble, also

the catalytic activity totally depends upon the soluble nature of the

enzyme molecules. Water, takes up a large space in cells, which are

the single components of the human body. This is a physical

demonstration, of how water is essential for life to be happening. The


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...oupled with the "transpirational

pull" generated by evaporation of water from leaves which acts upon

the continuos column of water in xylem tissue, allow water and

dissolved minerals to be supplied to plant tissues up to 100 metres

above the ground.

Another property of water is its transparency to visible light. light

can penetrate water to a considerable depth, provided the water is

free of suspended, particulate matter. Different wavelengths of light

penetrate to different depths. Red and yellow light only travel to a

maximum of 50 metres depth, whilst blue and violet light can reach 100

metres. This allows large volumes of water to serve as habitats for

photosynthetic organisms. On land, light can easily penetrate plant

leaf epidermal tissues, which are 90 % water, to reach the underlying

photosynthetic cells.

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