Plant structure and function
Aug. 4, 2005
In the lab exercise regarding plant structure and function, we examined slides containing the different kinds of roots (monocot, dicot). We labeled the parts and pointed out the different roles of each in the plant structure. Also, we examined monocot stems and dicot stems in order to familiarize ourselves with its external and internal structures. We sketched and labeled the parts of the stem and looked closely at the positions of each part. In the last part of the lab, we classified leaves into different kinds according to their leaf venation, bases of leaves, and apices of leaves. As an additional exercise, we sketched 20 animals and classified them according to phylum and class. We were also able to discover the scientific and common names of the animals. Overall, the exercises we did enabled us to familiarize ourselves with plant structure thus, gaining a better understanding for plant life and its importance.
LPO- Low power objective
HPO- High power objective
How do plants resist being uprooted during typhoons? How do they absorb water? The answer lies on a particular plant structure, which is called the root. Basically, a monocot and a dicot root differ but also have common parts like the xylem and the phloem. Through examining the roots using the light microscope, the students would hopefully be able to understand how the root is designed to perform its vital functions. A root tip basically has 4 main regions, the root cap, the meristematic region, the region of cell elongation, and the region of cell differentiation. These parts are all essential for a root to function properly, thus further stressing its importance in t...
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...icot stem. Label and sketch its parts. Take note of the position of the vascular bundle.
Step 6
Examine a young woody dicot stem. Compare it with the young herbaceous dicot stem. What changes occurred? Label and sketch its parts.
Step 7
Examine an old, woody dicot stem. Sketch and label its parts. Compare the structure with the other dicot stems( young herbaceous and young woody).
Step 8
Examine a leaf cross section. Sketch and label its parts. Take note of the position of xylem and phloem and the other parts of the plant leaf.
Step 9
Examine the different kinds of leaves. Classify each according to the kind of leaf blades, kinds of leaf veins, Phyllotaxy, and leaf blade morphology.
Step 10
Get three leaves. Enumerate their classification according to form of leaves, base of leaves and apices of leaves.
Refer to data sheet
Two members of the group were instructed to visit the laboratory each day of the experiment to water and measure the plants (Handout 1). The measurements that were preformed were to be precise and accurate by the group by organizing a standardized way to measure the plants. The plants were measured from the level of the soil, which was flat throughout all the cups, to the tip of the apical meristems. The leaves were not considered. The watering of the plants took place nearly everyday, except for the times the lab was closed. Respective of cup label, the appropriate drop of solution was added to the plant, at the very tip of the apical meristems.
I am going to identify the plants in each area and count them. I will
Many variations and species of plants can be found all around the world and in different habitats. These variations and characteristics are due to their adaptations to the natural habitat surrounding them. In three of many climatic zones, the arid, tropical and temperate zone, plants that vary greatly from each other are found in these locations. In this experiment, we’ll be observing the connection between the adaptations of the plants to their environment at the Fullerton Arboretum. The arboretum is a space containing numerous plants from different environments. The plants are carefully looked after and organized into their specific habitat. Therefore, we’ll be able to take a look at the plants within multiple
stems of Ivy, one from the part of the garden that is exposed to lots
how strong and wise the tree is by all the patterns and age marks on the tree. Rings are features that can tell
Charles Darwin once compared the root tips of plants to “the brain of one of the lower animals” he even reported electrical signal systems in plants, much like a nervous system. More than a century after Darwin, a scientist named Mancuso discovered the center for the electrical signals, or action potentials, is located in the root tips. Even small plants had nearly 14 million root tips, all acting in a similar way to a nervous system. Humans and most animals have centralized brains, meaning it is all grouped together in one spot, forming what we envision as a brain. Plants may not have a centralized brain like humans, but that doesn’t mean they lack a brain, in fact plants have “decentralized intelligence” distributed throughout them. Since plants cannot react quickly, they have no way of defending themselves against predators, so by scattering the “brain” plants avoid dying off when damaged (Marinelli). The root tips and sensory cells allow plants to feel and react to different stimuli. It is uncertain as to whether plants feel pain, but they do respond to anesthetics and react to being damaged. For example, when a caterpillar eats a plant’s leaf, the plant begins to secrete defensive chemicals. The censor cells react to the damage being done and cause the leaf to secrete chemicals to fend off the predator, as well as repair the
specimens with the corresponding scientific description, photographs, specific maps and there are drawings that document the research. This collected images of plants continue the artist’s fascination with documentation, community engagement and art as a way to address larger social issues. This exhibit was interning to me to see all the different plant and to know that plants in the city unknown to most there are often edible, medicinal or even poisonous plants.
By doing this experiment, I can know the physical and chemical properties of these samples. After I get my results about the physical and chemical properties of these samples, I can compare my results with the information given by the past student and identify the 5 unknown samples, finding out which sample is which substance. Hypothesis = ==
own roots (not just the plant kind), this meant they needed a structure that was different than
After distributing the seeds, place two or three fertilizer pellets into each quadrant, followed by another layer of dirt. Finish by watering quadrants. After 2-3 weeks, count the parent generation number of trichomes and record. Then, choose 25% of the hairiest plants out of the P1 population and replant their seeds following the same directions earlier on. When plants are grown, follow the same steps and count trichomes and record. Compare both sets of P1 data to F1 data to determine if evolution took
Prepare casts of the leaves surfaces by painting the adaxial (top surface) of one leaf and the abaxial (bottom surface) of the other leaf with clear nail polish. Allow the nail polish to dry for approximately 10 minutes. While the nail polish is drying, label microscope slides as either adaxial (top of the leaf) or abaxial (bottom of the leaf). Cut a piece of sellotape approximately 1.5 cm in length. Fold the tape over on itself leaving 0.5 cm of sticky surface exposed.
Activities: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology. The American Phytopathological Society, n.d. Web. 5 April, 2014.
Plant defences are those mechanisms employed by plants in response to herbivory and parasitism. According to Hanley et al. (2007), “the tissues of virtually all terrestrial, freshwater, and marine plants have qualities that to some degree reduce herbivory, including low nitrogen concentration, low moisture content, toxins or digestibility-reducing compounds”. The type of chemical defence may be species specific (Scott 2008). The defences that plants possess may be in the form of chemical production or in the form of physical defences such as thorns or spikes and even through reinforced, rigid leaves. “The compounds that are produced in response to herbivory can either have a direct effect on the attacker itself (e.g. toxins or digestibility reducers), or serve as indirect defenses by attracting the natural enemies of the herbivores” (Bezemer & van Dam 2005). This essay will focus on chemical plant defences and in particular the effects of terpenes, phenolics, nitrogen-based defences as well as allelopathy in plants.
Hypothesis: To observe cells located in an onion root tip and identify which stage of cell division the cells are in.
The strong cells wall prevents bursting. The cell is turgid. If plant cells lose water the cells become limp and flaccid. Water is essential for support in plants.