The Role of Stress in the Development of Bulimia
During the past few decades, Western culture has witnessed an enormous explosion in the number of eating disorders reported among young women. One such type of eating disorder is Butimia Nervosa. According to the DSM-IV criteria it is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, in which the person experiences a feeling of "loss of control",and recurrent compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain. Both of these behaviors occur, on average, at least twice a week for three months. In addition, self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. Finally, there are two subcategories of bulimia. There is the purging type in which the person regularly engages in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of diuretics or laxatives. The other type is the nonpurging group in which the person engages in other inappropriate compensatory behaviors rather than self-induced vomiting, laxatives, or diuretics. (American Psychiatric Association, 1993)
Several studies have focused on stress as one important variable in the onset or occurrence of eating disorders such as bulimia. In addition, they explore the different situations or events which bulin-fics consider to be stressful and the various ways in which bulimics cope with these stressors. In this paper I plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the following related studies and attempt to answer the question, What is the role of stress in the development of DuUnfia?
Do Bulimics Appraise Stress Differently?
It is possible that bulimics may appraise potential stressors differently from other individuals. For example, in comparison to nonbulimics, people with bulimia may appraise the situation as being more s...
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...ic Disorder with Agoraphobia on Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Case Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 18,195-198.
Compas, B.A., Rosen, J.C., & Tacy, B. (1993). The Relation Among Stress, Psychological Symptoms, and Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Prospective Analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 14,153-162.
Cooper, P. J. & Steere, J. (I 993). The Effects of Eating of Dietary Restraint, Anxiety, and Hunger. Intemational Journal of Eating Disorders, 13, 211-219.
Lopez-lbor, A. J. (1991). The nosological entity buhmia nervosa. Actas Luso-Espanolas de Neurologia, 19, 304-325.
Killen, J.D., Maron, D.J., Robinson, T.N., Saylor, K.E., Taylor, C.B., & Telch, M.J. (1987). Evidence for an Alcohol-Stress Link among- Normal Weight Adolescent's Reporting Purging Behavior. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 6, 349-3 56.
Polli-Potts, Ursula. "Links between Psychological Symptoms and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Obese Youths." International Journal of Eating Disorders 46.2 (2013): 156-63. Web. Apr. 2014.
Recurrent episodes of binge eating is classified by eating large amounts of food in a discrete amount of time and a lack of control in over-consuming during an episode (Pomerantz, 2014). One then uses recurrent inappropriate purging behavior to prevent weight gain. DSM-5 has updated this occurrence to only once a week for three months. Those with the disorder cause self-evaluation to be strongly influenced by body shape and weight. These disturbances do not occur during episodes of anorexia nervosa, which is self starvation to limit calories and weight (American Psychiatric Association,
The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is a short publication that contains Marx’s and Engel’s theories on the nature of society and politics, as well as class struggle, problems with capitalism, and how to slowly change the government from capitalist to socialist and finally communist. The start of the first chapter in the essay, "Bourgeois and Proletarians", states ‘The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles’ (...
An analysis of the relationship between pornography and the American culture reveals that the industry is blamed for dozens of social ills for the men of our society. Those ills also work to damage the women in several irreparable ways. Some of the damages to men include: illegal sexual behavior, illegal non-sexual behavior, callousness, sexual harassment, casual sex, and multiple sexual partners. The problems for the women directly involved in the industry are long term and long lasting, creating overall issues that affect women’s economic and social status. But what are there damages caused by the type of movies most women love, the type of movies they drag their boyfriends and husbands to, the type of movies millions watch unashamedly in public-the romantic comedy?
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating as well as by self-induced vomiting and/or laxative abuse (Mitchell, 1986). Episodes of overeating typically alternate with attempts to diet, although the eating habits of bulimics and their methods of weight control vary (Fairburn et al., 1986). The majority of bulimics have a body weight within the normal range for their height, build, and age, and yet possess intense and prominent concerns about their shape and weight (Fairburn et al., 1986). Individuals with bulimia nervosa are aware that they have an eating problem, and therefore are often eager to receive help. The most common approach to treating bulimia nervosa has been with cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Today, pornography has different targeted audiences based on various categories of pornography. There are pornographies made that are targeted toward women in which are slow and focused more on the people’s language rather than solely genitally focused. Most pornographies, however, are made specifically for men. These videos contain a large focus on the genitals, the men are portrayed as dominant, and the women please the men taking any measures necessary. According to a study, pornography that was intended for men and women aroused the men who were being studied. Women on the other hand, activated negative affects after watching the pornography intended for men and positive after watching the pornography intended for women (Mosher, 1994). In general, men are the main target of pornographies and women as well as feminists believe that pornography should not characterize women as objects. Also when making this study, it was difficult to find pornography that was made by women, majority of the videos are made by men and produced for
Considering the growing preoccupation of teenage girls with their weight and their bodies, eating disorders have become even more of a concern. In light of the fact that mortality in anorexia nervosa is among the highest of all psychiatric disorders, it is increasingly important to understand what causes eating disorders and how best to treat them (Herzog et al., 1996). A meaningful area of research to consider when trying to understand eating disorders is comorbidity. Such psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders, affective disorders, personality disorders, and substance abuse have been found to coexist, at least to some degree, with the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This paper will examine how anxiety disorders have been found to interact with both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by refusal to maintain body weight over a minimum level considered normal for age and height, along with distorted body image, fear of fat and weight gain, and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Bulimia nervosa is characterized by binge eating followed by purging. These behaviors should occur at least twice a week for three months. Binge eating disorder typically occurs in patients who binge but do not purge. One must have bulimic episodes at least two days a week for six months but must not fit the criteria for bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) includes a wide array of eating disturbances that do not fall into the anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating diagnosis. Anorexia athletics features an intense fear of becoming fat even though one is at least 5 percent below the expected normal weight range. Also, excessive exercising, restrictive energy intake, use of laxatives or diuretics, as well as planned binge eating (even around training schedules) all classify anorexia athletics. (Sundgot-Borgen, 1994)
Pornography is an issue that has generated serious speculation; it has grown from a state of insignificance to being a major social issue in most parts of the world. The period from early 1960’s has been labeled as the modern pornography wave. It is a period that saw major discussions in all aspects of the phenomenon from terminology, definitions, the level of sexual content, the economic impact, and most importantly its effects. This paper seeks to address the issue of pornography from the perspective of male participation, consumption, and the interrelated issues. The paper includes a review of two articles; the first article is a scholarly article from a peer reviewed journal, while the second one is a popular media article. Both articles are compared from the perspective of how they approach the issue of male pornography; the paper seeks to distinguish both approaches as it demonstrates the significance of using scholarly articles as opposed to media articles.
In the assignment it will discuss the definition, signs, symptoms and causes of bulimia. The assignment will also carry out and accurate assessment of the client Jess’s needs with consideration to her social, emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing. It will go into detail about two of Jess’s needs that are met and two needs which are not met. In the assignment it will also examine appropriate strategies to meet the needs of the client. And finally the assignment will go into a further description of how specialists care and management of the condition of the client will be explored.
Shapiro, C. M. (2012). Eating disorders: Causes, diagnosis, and treatments [Ebrary version]. Retrieved from
Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa are described as psychological eating disorders (Keel and Levitt, 1). They are both characterized by an over evaluation of weight. Despite being primarily eating disorders, the manifestations of bulimia and anorexia are different. They both present a very conspicuous example of dangerous psychological disorders, as according to the South Carolina Department of Health, “Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness” (Eating Order Statistics, 1). While Bulimia and anorexia both psychological disorders primarily prevalent in women, anorexia tend to have different diagnostic complexities, symptoms and physiological effects as compared to bulimia.
Earth has gone through five fully major extinctions before. We currently are in the process of Earth’s sixth mass extinction. This mass extinction is closely related in severity to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Earth’s extinctions are broken into three different areas. The first area was the large number of animals caught by hunter-gathers. The discovery of agriculture led to the second area of extinction, wildlife habitats. These wildlife habitats were destroyed due to humans starting to stay in one area.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder identifiable by episodes of uncontrolled obsessive eating, frequently involving extremely large amounts of high-calorie foods, followed by induced vomiting, the use of laxatives to purge or cleanse the stomach of the food eaten. The known causes of bulimia are often psychological in nature. Stress is the main cause of compulsive eating patterns frequently observed in patients with eating disorders, and excessive eating may be a reflection by which an individual with bulimia attempts to manage emotions. It allows the person to focus away from adverse and uncomfortable emotional problems.
Eating disorders are a serious health problem. Personal Counseling & Resources says that eating disorders "are characterized by a focus on body shape, weight, fat, food, and perfectionism and by feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem." Three of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating or compulsive eating disorder. According to Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, a person with anorexia "refuses to maintain normal body weight for age and height" and "weighs 85 percent or less than what is what is expected for age and height." A person diagnosed with bulimia has several ways of getting rid of the calories such as binge eating, vomiting, laxative misuse, exercising, or fasting. The person might have a normal weight for their age and height unless anorexia is present. The signs of a compulsive eater include eating meals frequently, rapidly, and secretly. This person might also snack and nibble all day long. The compulsive eater tends to have a history of diet failures and may be depressed or obese (