The Role Of Women In The Gospels

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“Blessed are you who are disadvantaged, for kingdom of God is yours.” Jesus’ ministry served to enrich the lives of the oppressed and lowly, which are the women and sinners in the Gospels. Jesus shows unconditional love and compassion towards marginalized people, therefore challenged the social norms of his time. One of the biggest messages Jesus attempts to convey is that regardless of social standing, wealth, and gender there is a place for everyone in the kingdom of God. This can be better understood through exploring the roles of women and sinners.
Historically women have had strict limitations placed upon them, they have been considered inferior to men. The primary location for women was a domestic setting. They occupied their …show more content…

Others were disadvantaged and lowly, whom Jesus helped. In the Gospel of Luke, Mary and Elizabeth function as prophets for the kingdom of God. “Thorough cast in traditional roles as mothers of sons (Jesus and John the Baptist) who will carry out God’s prophetic mission, these women emerge as Spirit-inspired prophets.” God chose Mary and Elizabeth due to their unwavering faith and obedience. Both happily accepted the Lord’s proposition to bear children who would one day lead and inspire others to walk in the faith. After Mary eagerly accepts her fate she exclaimed, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for …show more content…

For example, while Jesus was on his was to preform a healing, an anonymous woman who suffered twelve years of constant bleeding approaches him in a large crowd, she touches his robe without his knowledge and was immediately healed of her affliction. Jesus instantly asks, “Who touched me? For I noticed that power had gone out from me?” The woman falls before him, consumed with fear. “At this critical moment Jesus affirms her as “daughter” in God’s household, commends her remarkable faith, and dispatches her in peace.” Unfortunately due to this woman’s condition people regard her as unclean in her community but by no means does this make her a sinner. By healing this woman Jesus restored her ability to rejoin society, marry and have

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