The Role Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsby Has A Dream As people of the United States, they have a dream that was created and thought out. The dream is that all people should have an equal opportunity to achieve success through hard work. In 1931, James Adams first publicly defined what the American Dream was. Adams said this about the dream, "The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement."
Adams is saying that whatever happens someone should have success if they work hard at it, just like in the book Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author of Great Gatsby, is saying that the American Dream will never have an end. No one will ever be satisfied or complete because there is always more out there in the world that a person needs or wants. If someone has a lot of money, they will always want something else that it can buy. If someone …show more content…

He uses real life events in the novel to show that the American Dream will never be achieved and it will always be dead without being able to revive it. Although, people try and say that the American Dream can be complete, Fitzgerald shows that no one will ever get to fulfill their entire dream. Fitzgerald makes Gatsby, one of the main characters really go after his own American Dream in this novel. His dream isn´t an object or a place, it is a state of life, which is love. Jay Gatsby has a dream that he wants to revisit the past and reunite with a girl that he has been in love with, Daisy Buchanan. She has a husband, but Gatsby is working his connections with his next door neighbor, Nick, which is her cousin. He gets Nick to invite her over to his house so Gatsby can show off his money and his house for Daisy. Jay Gatsby has one dream and that is to revisit his past and get another chance with

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