The Role Of Minority Groups In Presidential Elections

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The article tells us that in the past the presidential election has consisted of mostly white voters. Minority groups were small enough that their votes didn’t really matter. This is an example of coercion, “power that people do not except as rightly exercised over them.” (Page #306) But, as the number of minorities grow, the more important their votes become to politicians. There are a large number of minority voters in the southwestern states and Florida which were the focus of this article. The role of minorities in elections is to exercise their right to vote, so they can have the president that will benefit them. In the article though, the minority group was divided or undecided in their choice of candidate. They worried about the political candidates following through with their promises. …show more content…

As I mentioned previously, minority groups are growing now, faster than ever. Minority votes are being heard. In 2008, the United States had its first African American president, Barack Obama. In this same election there was a Hispanic candidate, Bill Richardson. Richardson was eliminated early on but his attempt is proof of the change. In 2016 another Hispanic candidate, Marco Rubio ran for president. Also during the 2016 election one of the top two candidates was a female. This female is known as Hilary Clinton. If she would have been elected she would have been the United States first female president. Within the last two elections there have been three major minority changes. In conclusion, the changing role of minority voters over the years has made an impact on politics. There was a time when voters were all white males. The initial change began with racial groups gaining more attention from political parties, and gender was soon to

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