The Role Of Corruption In Ninety-Five Theses, By Martin Luther

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A major impetus for the activities of Reformation thinkers such as Luther was the corruption of the Catholic Church, whose political power had grown enormously through the medieval period. In his Ninety-Five Theses, Luther questions the practices of Catholic Church officials, as well as official and popular claims about the powers of the pope. In particular, Luther believes that some of those claims are not sound in view of fundamental principles of the Christian faith.
During the Middle Ages, successive popes declared more and more indulgences. Some of these indulgences were originally for those who supported charitable works undertaken by various groups under the Catholic Church. Church officials called pardoners were empowered to grant the indulgences to those who contributed money for the causes sponsored by the church. Gradually, the practice became corrupt. The Catholic Church came to view indulgences as a major source of money, and pardoners began to misuse their power for personal gain. Indulgences thereby changed from instruments to reward piety to commodities that were sold to believers. …show more content…

Further, pardoners deceived the common people who went to them, claiming that the indulgences included forgiveness for sins and not just exemption from punishment. (According to Christian theology, only God possesses the power to forgive sins. So the pope could only exempt sinners from penance; he could not forgive sins.) Others made even more extravagant claims such as forgiveness for all further sins. Some pardoners also forged indulgences. People also began to believe that copies of letters declaring indulgences from the past, and other physical artifacts, had the miraculous property of ensuring forgiveness for

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