The Role Of Civil Disobedience In The United States

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America has not had a peaceful past. Bloodshed is what has allowed us to be the great nation we are today. Some of that bloodshed, however, was caused because of civil disobedience. When you consider, what civil disobedience has done, it seems just for all people to agree with it. In some instances, civil disobedience is necessary, but we've reached a point where it would cause much more harm than good. This nation's past sends a powerful message about civil disobedience. The laws that once controlled this country were indeed unjust. Everyone is taught the story of Rosa Parks. She looked towards civil disobedience to try and fix what she felt wasn't right. Parks was unwilling to give up her seat to a white person on a bus, not once, but multiple times. In that time period, things weren't right. A group of people felt they were better than another because of skin color. America has moved past this scenario, and as a country, has evolved. …show more content…

The battle for homosexuals to get married was carried on for a long time. Although, it was not a federal law, it was legal in many states. If homosexuals, within a state which had not legalized their marriage, got married as a form of civil disobedience; it would be pointless. That form of civil disobedience would not only cause trouble, but would not help homosexuals. It wold only cause homophobic people to increase their hatred. Not only are homosexuals there, they also cannot follow laws. Unfortunately, this is one of the smallest issues that could be caused by civil

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