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Oppinions on civil disobedience
Martin Luther King and equality
Civil disobedience in america
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I am a pacifist; I do not believe in nor promote violence. I do, however, promote peaceful protest. The act of civil disobedience, of protesting something that is unjust, unconstitutional is well within our constitutional rights. The right to criticize our government is one that was given, that was fought for by our founding fathers. It is an act that affects our society in a very positive way; peaceful resistance encourages others to criticize a cruel and unfair government. Peaceful protests, strikes, and boycotts have the opportunity to gain the government's attention, to try and stop these so-called "anarchists". When we look back at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we see a hero. We see someone who is intelligent, who is not afraid to argue, …show more content…
Presenting your argument to the public, to the government in a logical and calm manner is the key to change. In modern times, peaceful protests are trying to be carried out by groups, but there are other, louder, and more violent members, who stand out. The Black Lives Matter movement is one such example. Black Lives Matter is a brilliant cause that brings to light how black people are being discriminated and hunted by policemen across America. There are certain individuals in the Black Lives Matter movement that resort to violence because they think they are helping the cause. They aren't. They are simply forcing citizens to associate Black Lives Matter with violence, with refusal to word their arguments, and with anarchy. People completely miss the message Black Lives Matter is trying to convey and only focus on the ruckus the violent individuals are causing. In times like this, we can only look back at Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" and learn from it. King states that, "in any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct
today, perhaps it could be justified. For one, President Donald John Trump’s Immigration Executive Order, which practically bans all foreign immigrants from residing nor entering the nation. America is what it is today because of its diversity. Yet, President Trump and a considerable number of people believe that the country should be of its natives instead of those who seek the privileges of its constitutions and hence potentially violates the Declaration of Independence, which says that all men have the right to seek asylum. Considering how the Declaration of Independence originated the U.S., it is ironic for the nation to limit it. Therefore, civil disobedience is required. As it is apprehended that the matter requires civil disobedience, the negotiation comes in; however, a president could be convinced, but not negotiated with his own nation, and thus this step is nullified. Moving on, the enactment of non-violent direct actions is legally safe from the nation’s military forces, but it could be met with a group of people, potentially possessive of deadly weapons, who support the Immigration Executive Order. As it could be life threatening to some extent, one should be ready to self-defend, but not retaliate to the extent where the other is harmed. Finally, launch coordinated systematic direct actions nationwide for the maximum effect. In doing so, President Trump would eventually have to nullify
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impact a free society because if there isn't, how will people hear the voices of the oppressed and mistreated? Peaceful resistance comes a long way in trying to advance the rights and customs of the oppressed today. For example, The Salt March of 1930 was based on the Salt Act of 1882, which excluded the people the India from producing or getting salt, only British officials. Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of this protest. According to an article by time.com, it says that "The protest continued until Gandhi was granted bargaining rights at a negotiation in London. India didn’t see freedom until 1947, but the salt satyagraha (his brand of civil disobedience) established Gandhi as a force to be reckoned with and set a powerful precedent for future nonviolent protestors, including Martin Luther King Jr.(Sarah Begley,2015)" This means the salt march was a start for India's independence. Also, Gandhi's brand of civil disobedience set precedents for future nonviolent protests. Another Example of how peaceful protests
In Chavez's argument, he explained the importance of nonviolence during the Civil Rights Movement. He used Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s movement as an example of successful protest using nonviolence. Although Dr. King's example proved to be effective, after he died, several members of the movement resorted to violence which caused the death of thousands of Americans. Chavez argued nonviolence is the only way to protest violence in order to attract support for his cause: the farm workers' movement. Chavez's rhetorical choices, through his tone and allusion to history, effectively influenced farmers to protest without violence.
Around the world many people wonder why people choose to protest topics they disagree with. Protesting can change political views, help society, stop government actions, and most importantly save lives. Protests are normally started by a person or people wanting to make a change and stand up for what they believe in. People have been protesting for years because it is effective.
Rodney King a black man who lived in Las Vegas was severely beaten by four white police officers. The officers were brought into court and tried on charges of assault. The officers were acquitted of the assault charges. Immediately protestors took to the streets, to express their angry over the judge’s decision. Protestors found the ruling to be unfair and was fed up with the ill-treatment. The violent protest turned into a riot. A lot of damage occurred; over 50 people were killed, over 2,300 people injured, 8,000 arrests and estimated over $1 billion in property damage. The riots exposed the police abuse, poverty, and lack of economic opportunity. If it was not for the violent protestors no light would have been shed on the way black were being
In recent American culture, people have not peacefully practiced civil disobedience and have been unable to phrase their goals succinctly to the media. Marches and protests for the Black Lives Matter movement have sometimes involved violence. Because the Black Lives Matter movement is not an internationally connected movement and various people who may not practice formal civil disobedience can become involved, the movement has gained a negative reputation. The movement
Many people choose to use violence in their own ways to achieve the goals they have set upon themselves. But are there situations where violent disobedience is ever justified? You might be thinking, what is violent disobedience? Violent disobedience is the act of breaking a rule placed upon oneself, ready to accept any punishment that is to come to thee. You could violently disobey anyone such as the police, your parents, and even yourself. I believe only in certain situations one should be allowed to violently disobey an order give to him or her. No matter, one must accept ones hardships with outstanding stoicism to be able to succeed in controlling your actions for the greater good.
From the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the Civil Rights Movement and the Pro-Life Movement of the 1960s, to the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street Movement of current times, “those struggling against unjust laws have engaged in acts of deliberate, open disobedience to government power to uphold higher principles regarding human rights and social justice” (DeForrest, 1998, p. 653) through nonviolent protests. Perhaps the most well-known of the non-violent protests are those associated with the Civil Rights movement. The movement was felt across the south, yet Birmingham, Alabama was known for its unequal treatment of blacks and became the focus of the Civil Rights Movement. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, African-Americans in Birmingham, began daily demonstrations and sit-ins to protest discrimination at lunch counters and in public facilities. These demonstrations were organized to draw attention to the injustices in the city. The demonstrations resulted in the arrest of protesters, including Martin Luther King. After King was arrested in Birmingham for taking part in a peaceful march to draw attention to the way that African-Americans were being treated there, their lack of voter rights, and the extreme injustice they faced in Alabama he wrote his now famous “Letter from Birmingham.”
If the lives of the mistreated blacks truly matter, the people that want to change the way things happen they would reach out in a peaceful way and engage others. Instead of acting out with violence and hatred. Overall, the movement should come together as one and actively speak against the "unjust" and "wrong doing ". All across the news and social media it has been mentioned and showed many times how the Black Lives Matter movement protests turn into violent outburst, in which many times harm those black lives that they are trying to protect and support. Instead of making matters worse there should be a plan to defeat the difficulties peacefully and correct the ignorance with a powerful but sympathetic stance. The only way one can truly start change is within themselves; people cannot expect others to help or see your vision of a better [equal] world. If all results seen from performances are malice and bitterness towards the
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people around the world who have taken part in nonviolent action. It is clear, however, that there is considerable debate about the precise meaning of nonviolence. For some, nonviolent action is an expedient technique for dealing with conflict or bringing about social change; for others, nonviolence is a moral imperative or even a way of life. I think people try nonviolence for a week, and when it 'doesn't work' they go back to violence, which hasn't worked for centuries. Nonviolence is the personal practice of being harmless to self and others under every condition. It comes from the ideology that hurting people, animals or the environment is unnecessary to achieve an outcome and refers to a general ideology of abstaining from violence based
This chapter talks about social change and how it happens and the theories behind social movements. The five essay questions at the end of this chapter are answered below.
Imagine yourself at the Super Bowl, someone is going to start singing the National Anthem. You, people around you, and some football players decide not to stand up because they want to silently and peacefully protest for the people of color that have been oppressed. This is what widely known player Colin Kaepernick did on Aug. 26, 2016. When this event occurred in Aug. 26, professional athletes, high school athletes, and football players alike started to kneel or sit down during the National Anthem. When you or someone kneels or sits during the National Anthem, they are showing a silent protest. These protests sparked controversy and public message about the protesters’ messages and the way they chose to say those messages. It’s indeed acceptable for people, athletes, professional athletes, and football players alike to kneel or sit down during the National Anthem. There, people can silently and peacefully protest and/or pray for the people of color that have been oppressed. It’s also allowed according to the 1st amendment.
In America people protests for the main reasons of injustice, government, and racism. Although, there has been a steep rise in racial protesting in the last 6 months, then in the last 6 years. This brings us to a racial crisis. in this racial crisis, people have been protesting for or against the racial division. They have been declaring which race should be on top, how to go about treating different races and more.
The concepts of obedience and disobedience are evident from the beginning of one 's life. Young children are born with the tendency to do things that are against what they are told or what they know they should do. They don 't have to learn how to disobey; it is an innate behavior. This struggle between obedience and disobedience carries on throughout our lives. There are three major factors that can cause obedience and disobedience; authority, social pressure, and situations. Each of these vastly impact an individual 's behavior and cause them to act in ways they would normally not.
Protests, civil disobedience, boycotts, economic and political noncooperation, and satyagraha; these are all common forms of peaceful resistance which has a dominantly negative impact on society since they are dangerous, they hurt business, and they are unnecessary..