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Role of a police officer
What are the roles of police
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Recommended: Role of a police officer
Section A Introduction
Firstly, the job role I will be exploring is a police officer which falls into the sector of justice.
Sector and Employer
Moreover, the police officer can work in the statutory community justice sector, which is controlled and financed by the government. This sector is generally maintained by people who pay taxes and national insurance as well as it has been set up by acts of parliament and are funded by public money.
The police officers in England and Wales are each given money from three main foundations. The Home Office, the Department for Communities and Local Government or the Welsh Assembly Government, and the police precept constituent of local council tax. However, beforehand it was funded through the local government
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Firstly, since you will need to have no criminal records, such as tweeting something on Twitter at a young age you may have found it humorous, which you should not can cause an impact. This is because to be part of this sector the laws are strict. Moreover, due to the recent cuts, this has meant that there are less police officers in the country. As, a result there are fewer people having the chance and are either working voluntarily or looking for other pathways. This was released in early 2015. Lastly, the jobs available are in London and it would be a problem for the people in the North East of England for the reason that they may not want to travel because they are looking for a job locally.
The work involved police assignments that are received from police officers of superior rank. Moreover, the duties include checking of parking meters for violations, routine patrol, preliminary investigation and traffic regulation, and investigation duties in a designated area on an assigned shift which involves an element of personal danger and employees must be able to act without direct supervision. They would have to respond to calls for help from the public to meet the needs of the clients and this supports the life quality factor social support. Also, investigating crimes and offences, and making
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Generally, they would do this task for the whole day or the week. Moreover, they might interview the person with complaints and inquiries and attempt to make the proper outlook or direct them to proper authorities. Also, they might check parking meters for overtime parking violations and issues traffic tickets; directs traffic at intersections; participates in escorting funerals and house-movers for a certain number hours to ensure individuals are following the rules. The life quality factors social support is provided to one another if a colleague needs help in interviewing a person, they are unable to do because they might make an arrest at this specific time. It is important because team work ensures good communication skills and ensures everything is
The police was set up originally in 1829 by Robert Peel, who was home secretary at the time. It was created because as society became more complex, they needed a way to deal with civil disorder without using the military (Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime 2014). To date, there are 43 police forces in England and Wales. The police are used “to prevent crime, protect life and
To begin with, their jobs were not only the sort of jobs that we would associated with the police today. They also had to do many other things. ordinary, menial tasks such as lighting the night lamps, calling out the time and watching for fires, amongst many other public services. they had to carry out, which they had taken over from the... ... middle of paper ...
In the police the special constabulary are the volunteer force they have the same training as the police and the same powers they just can't go in the helicopters or with the armed response teams. but they can still arrest people. they come from all walks of life like teachers, taxi drivers, shop owners. they also save a lot of money for the police because they don't get paid so they are out on the street helping to prevent crime just like an ordinary officer who gets paid. the time you must give up between 8-12 hours a week.
Perceptions of what constitutes a qualified police officer have been crafted as a result of numerous television shows and movies. They are often portrayed as heroic, invincible, and possessors of brute strength. While some of these physical attributes are in fact expected and required of police officers, they are not the only ones and at times, may come secondary to alternative methods, such as the use of strong communication and critical thinking skills. Policing has changed immensely since the days of resolving issues with a night stick. There is a desire for today’s police officers to possess the educational capacity to develop and implement community policing initiatives. Additionally, there exists a desire to professionalize policing. This drive for professionalism has led to the desire for increased educational requirements (Brecci, 1994).
It is a myth to believe that an officers job is spend fighting dangerous crimes, in reality officers spend more time handing smaller cases. For example, police officers spend a lot of time doing daily tasks such as giving speeding tickets and being mediators in disputes (Kappeler & Potter, 2005). Handing out speeding tickers and handling minor disputes are far from fighting crime. Police officers spend more time doing preventive measures (Kappeler & Potter, 2005). Preventive measures involve officers intervening to prevent further altercations. Victor Kappeler and Gary Potter discussed the myth of crime fighting as invalid and misleading notions of an officer’s employment.
Recently in the United States there has been in increase in deaths that have come from police officers using deadly force. The use of force is inevitable as a police officer, many times their own lives or the life’s civilians are at risk when it comes to determine what type of force a officer should use. There are many incidents where police officer have to react in a matter of seconds and has to choose between his own life or that of the individual causing the disturbance. When a Police Officer uses deadly force has caused outraged with the public, stirring up protests and creating a scandal for the police officer and the Police Department. Many do not know when it is right for an officer to use deadly force and what constitutes it, or what happens when the officer does not use the appropriate amount of force that is required to control the situation. There has been many changes in Police Departments around the country to try to reduce the use of deadly force in response to the issues that have occurred because of it.
The agency’s administration will depend on what kind of department they are in. A police department is a law enforcement agency that is governed by the city, whereas a sheriff’s department is governed by the county. A sheriff’s department is higher than a police department. For example, a sheriff’s department can patrol within city limits, but a police department cannot patrol outside of city limits. That being said, in rural areas, the police department and sheriff’s department have mutual aid, which simply means that if the sheriff’s department needs assistance outside of city limits, the police department will assist them, and vice versa.
Law enforcement is a career that is both violent and rewarding in many capacities. Justice needs to be served in law enforcement and they have a responsibility to uphold the law and serve the people in the community. Law enforcement is crucial in the world today as a global realm as life continues to be more complex and law enforcement struggles to combat many aspects of crime. In order to combat these problems and have a positive future in the criminal justice system, everyone must work together on a bigger scale.
Young people and the police have, for many years, experienced a tense and confrontational relationship (Borgquist & Johnson et al., 1995). This has led to a great wealth of literature based upon the notion of police-youth interaction. Much of this literature has tended to focus upon juvenile criminality and the reasons why young people commit such seemingly high levels of crime. Whilst the relationship between young people and the police force has been widely theorised and explained, there is very little literature on juvenile attiudes towards the police. Research that concerns societies attitudes towards the police force tends to focus upon the views and opinions of adults (Hurst and Frank, 2000). In this first section of my literature review I am going to focus upon work that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of why young people are so important when looking at crime. This section will allow us to comprehend the ways in which, literature suggests, young people view the police. This knowledge will provide a basis for my research in which I look more specifically at youth attitudes towards PCSO’s.
Police officers will often use their insider knowledge to unfairly obtain evidence or get convictions from individuals. They will stand alongside their fellow officers when they do so as well. The community that the police officers are a part of also make it easier for other officers to engage in corrupt behaviour once they are aware of a fellow officer who is doing the same. This mentality of all for one and one for all does impact the community and is a barrier to achieving
The focus is on the issues of police accountability in modern society, and in particular why their accountability is more important than other professions. This is not surprising considering the amount of power and discretion police officers have, and the level of trust that the public holds with these civil servants. Police officers accountability is the biggest thing in their profession which has been an issue of concern they have to be accountable to the police department who want the officer to be an effective and responsible person, to people in the community who have best expectation from an officer and being accountable to themselves for their acts. An ordinary citizen of a country cannot obtain the powers that police officer’s have.
It includes officers who are out on the street capturing criminals as they commit crimes as well as corrections officers who make sure that criminals stay behind bars once they're caught.
When political anarchy, social injustices, and crime end up leading to civil depravities that go against the foundation of democracy, society depends on the police to come in and keep the peace, while attempting to restore the order. These officers are asked to pursue criminals in vehicles, and on foot, repeatedly expose themselves to the dangers of the crimes, and remain calm while being under pressure at all moments on the job, and even off duty. Being an officer of the law takes a special person
When you think of police what does it mean to you? The responsibility of a police officer is to protect the public and to serve the community. Also, they detect and to prevent crime, police officers strive to maintain the law. New police officers work with the general duty as patrol divisions, that provides a range of experiences and assignments. The General duty of policing involves patrolling in assigned areas to enforce laws, protect public safety, and arrest criminal suspects either by car, foot, bicycle, or in some cases, horse. Police officers can also do some of the following: they Investigate accidents and crime scenes; to secure evidence and interview any witnesses; they collect notes and reports; they can provide emergency assistance to victims an disaster, crime, and accidents;
The police must be active members in their community to understand the people they are protecting and how they can be proactive in the crime prevention in that given community. For the second question in the survey I stated that it is the public’s job to obey the law and make the police’s job easier and not more difficult. Once again, I was close minded in my answer. The public is tasked with policing the police; however, it does not mean they are making the police’s job more difficult, it is just about holding them accountable for their actions. Police require a wide set of characteristics, if they want to be successful during the application process and enjoy a long career in public safety. When asked in the survey at the start of this course, I answered that an officer requires the ability to treat all people fairly in all situations. This is a phenomenal quality for a police officer to have, but it is just one of many that an officer must possess. Adaptability was the first the trait that stood out me, when reading the modules, because it is essential for a new and old officer to continue to grow and adapt.