The Road Less Traveled by Robert Frost

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The Road Less Traveled by Robert Frost

Robert Frost's poem "The Road Less Traveled" amazingly

first written was not intended to convey certain aspects of what

it is now interpreted as. Life is a road with different paths.

Taking one path over another forever changes the course of ones

life for the good or bad. Though Frost's poem as he told was

about him getting separated from his friend in the woods. It

can't be denied that this poem clearly shows his beliefs, that it is

the road that someone chooses that makes them who they are

today or who they will become.

With the first line opening "And Sorry" already you get a

sense of regret. "...I could not travel both" what opportunities

will be missed? That is why it is difficult to make a decision.

You can't travel down every path you want. It isn't possible to do

everything. ",long I stood And looked down one as far as I could"

Never the less you still have to make a decision in where you

want to go. He looks down the path to where it bent in the

undergrowth, trying to see an outcome. This isn't possible

though, as any choice you make, the complete outcome is never


"Then took the other as just as fair, And having perhaps the

better claim," The other path he looked at, looked really the

same as the other but he thought one having the better claim. If

they both look just as fair, something must make it have the

better claim. "Because it was grassy and wanted wear;" The

next two lines may begin to confuse. "Though as for that, the

passing there Had worn them really about the same," One path

looks like it needs wear to him thought it may not to other

people. He was interested in taking that path not of the majority.

Something he hasn't done before makes him want to experience

it. The traveler then if choosing 'the path less traveled" only

shows his personality. Not following the crowd but doing what

he wants, what he has never done. Experience what is new,

different. To wear the inexperienced down to experienced.

The leaves fallen cover the ground of the path he wants to

take. "And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had

trodden black." This statement again reassures the reader and

also the traveler, this is the path less traveled. Each time you

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