The Risks Of Walking Into A Stadium

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Walking into an arena or stadium as a spectator, one may not think of all the risks involved the facility must worry about when it comes to preparing for a game or event. Planning for an effective risk management, breaks down the different layers needed all at once to ensure the facility is ready for a large crowd. In the article, Maloy describes each risk factor into three categories: the first created by the interaction of the spectator, second, evaluating the facility for defects, and third, to review the services by the facility. (Maloy, 1991, pp. 90-92) There is interaction with spectators, from the time you enter the parking lot of the stadium or arena, there are many different areas that crowds end up in congregation. It begins by waiting in traffic to park, then there is a line to scan your tickets when you enter the event, following a crowd by each section, buying food and drinks, or casually waiting to go to their respective seats, finally getting to their seats for the event. Casual spectators are oblivious to the safety risks that occur in these Areas of Heavy Use. (Maloy, 1991, p. 91) The facility may handle the Different Areas of Specialized Use with the proper care needed, however, when fans turn rowdy and impatient there are many risks involved. Many fans tend to misuse these elements like flushing …show more content…

Both fans leaving heavily impaired, and they get into a scuffle by the concession stand. Without proper security, this could not only cause harm to the fans involved, but the fans who are trying to leave the stadium peacefully could also be harmed. Security or supervision should also be covered by each section and entrance of each stadium or arena. (Maloy, 1991, p.

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