The Rise of E-Books

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We live in a digital era today. We have come to the point when our lives would be unimaginable without the internet. We are relying on it so much these days that our dependence sometimes borders addiction. However, the internet is slowly merging itself into our lives. It has come to affect every aspect of modern living. Therefore, of all the things the internet is influencing today, what impact does it have on modern literature? Moreover, did the internet kill literature?
With the internet, a feeling of availability prevails. And to a certain extent, it is true – some fifteen years ago, it would have been impossible to write a book today and publish it tomorrow. Or to wish to read a bestseller and have it on your Kindle immediately. Furthermore, the digital era brought about many changes in the publishing industry and the largest of them being the phenomenon of self-publishing.

Looking backwards at the beginnings of the publishing industry, we can see that it was the novel which started it all. Therefore it was the novel that created mass-markets. For example, Daniel Defoe with his Robinson Crusoe, considered to be the first English novel, was a middle-class writer. He cared little about the tradition and antiquity, hence what he did was considered novelty at the time – he popularized ordinary man. From that moment onwards, the novel spreads and evolves into numerous sub-genres and is today the most prominent form of writing.
In addition, another example from history, a century later and a continent away, would be Samuel Langhorne Clemens, or more widely known as Mark Twain. Likewise, Twain fought against established literary standards and witnessed the changes in the publishing industry in the 19th century. “Seek...

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... other hand, what impact does it leave on literary standards? Just because something is popular and available, does it mean it is good? In order for a piece of writing to prove itself as good literature, time needs to pass, then its worth may be established. Although e-books are cheap and fast, only time can rate their true value.
However, one good legacy will remain, and that is – books are being read. Just as it is easier for authors to publish them, likewise it is easier for readers to purchase them. A good book is a good book, in no matter which form it comes to the reader. “It won’t suddenly be horrible because it is self-published, and it won’t be amazing just because some agent or editor seems to think so. It will need to prove itself to readers - one way or the other.”
In conclusion, love for written word will prevail, in no matter which form.

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