The Responsibility of Living in a Democracy

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The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that we, as citizens, have the right to free speech. Our freedom, however, comes with responsibilities that must be respected in order to maintain independence in our country. Free speech is a luxury that enables us to be independent and productive in various ways. First, free speech is a tool that enables individuals to develop their character. In order to realize who we are, we must be able to openly express our thoughts and ideas with others. It is this give and take of conversation that allows us to draw conclusions and form opinions. Secondly, free speech allows us to possess and expand our knowledge. Without argument, we would be brainwashed and ultimately dull. No one can possibly draw educated conclusions without first having all the information relevant to the subject-at-hand. Third, our freedom of speech is essential to our system of self-government. Should free speech be taken away from us, we would no longer be a nation of democracy, but rather a dictatorship with our thoughts and ideas spoon-fed to us. Lastly, freedom of speech is vital to social change. Non-violent resistance thrives on the audible communication of thoughts and ideas. Without free speech, we wouldn't be free. The government then expects us to possess certain responsibilities in our freedom of speech. For example, one may not discuss anything that is violent or threatening. This is considered a crime and is taken seriously by authorities. Not long ago, two gentlemen in Florida were overheard discussing plans to "bring it down." The assumption, of course, was that they were going to bomb a building. The woman who heard their conversation called the police and the men were arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy. While everyone is entitled to his or her opinions, "slander" is also illegal. Slander is hurtful and damaging, especially in print. Tabloids will print untrue information about celebrities until the person in question sues the newspaper or magazine. It is this example of carelessness, however, that puts other communication by press in jeopardy. If enough lies are printed, we will surely lose our right to print at all. Free speech is also restricted if your message presents "clear and present danger." This means that one may not walk into an airport and announce they have a bomb simply for kicks.

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