The Representation Of Hades In Greek Mythology

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One important aspect of Greek Mythology present in the film is the character of Hades. In Greek mythology, Hades is amoral as gods are neither good nor evil he was essentially just another god, just like his brothers Zeus and Poseidon "[Zeus :] `My rank is no greater [than Haides]. I hold court in the sky; another rules the sea [Poseidon], and one the void [Haides].'” -Ovid, Fasti (THEOI.COM). However, Columbus has depicted Hades in the film as the enemy to his brothers, for example in the film Hades takes Sally, who is the mother of Percy and the lover of Poseidon, into the underworld. Hades also wants to overthrow his brother Zeus the king of the gods. Columbus has depicted Hades as the rebel brother or the outsider of the family to allow …show more content…

(CHECK QUOTES) Throughout the film, Chris Columbus depicted Hades as a fire demon, a satanic figure appearing from fires. This adaptation occurs when Percy first enters the camp because everyone thinks he has the lightening bolt and Hades wants to set up a trade if you will, he will bring Percy's mum Sally in exchange for the lightening bolt. In the film Hades and Satan show many similarities, on being they both wanted to ‘take over the world’, this is shown in the bible Matthew 4:8-9. “Again, the devil took Him [Jesus] up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, ‘All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.’ ”( and in the movie ‘Bring me the bolt. Be a good boy. Hand it to me and I'll exchange it for your mother...If you ever want to see your mother again, you will bring me the bolt!’ (, Hades is desperate for the bolt because it is the most powerful weapon and can be used to take over the world.

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