The Reformation Dbq

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The Reformation was a religious movement that occurred during the XVI century in which due to the corrupted actions of the people of the Church caused the division of it into the Catholics and the Protestants. In the former essay, it’ll be discussed the difference between both and the most important characters that collaborated in the apparition of Protestantism, like Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, and more. During this time, the Bible could only be read in Latin and the only people that could study this language in order to understand it were people with a lot of money and people from the Church. Thus, according to this, few individuals were able to actually know what was written in the Bible. In this manner, the Church took advantage of this and made many impure acts like asking for indulgences to forgive the sinners and/or to make somebody’s time in the purgatory shorter. Due to things like this, there were some people that went against the Church. Also, something that helped this was the appearance of the Black Death, a pandemic illness that killed a third of the European population, in which the Church’s efforts against it didn’t help at all. …show more content…

Hence, one day a person that was conscious of what the Church was doing, decided to take action that caused the beginning of the Reformation. This was Martin Luther, a monk, doctor of theology and professor at the University of

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