The Reflection Of Personal Values In Social Work

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Personal values affect all aspects of our life and it is inevitable that these values will have some influence on my professional life, often it is these values that direct people into professions such as Social Work (Beckett & Maynard, 2006, p. 13). It is of the utmost importance to acknowledge, understand and appreciate where these values come from to be an effective Social Worker (Beckett & Maynard 2005, p. 14). Failing to be aware of these values would mean being unable to be aware of any preconceived biases or judgements. Not only do I need to understand and acknowledge my own values to be an effective Social worker I also need to understand and follow the professional ethics of my organisation. The code of ethics in Social Work will give me the values and ethics required to provide an ethical social work service. It will lead me through my career providing me with a guide and standard to work ethically, it will provide me with a foundation for ethical reflection and …show more content…

Archie should stay within the family, why would I not take him I am his Aunty. I believed that it would be the best outcome, he would be living in a great place, I definitely had enough time and energy and I have three children that would dote on him. I pursued the application, giving social services my details, information about my family and financial situation. Already aware of power imbalance and its implications within Social Work I noticed these imbalances within this situation. Social Services at the top, followed by myself and long term foster carer and all the way at the bottom was my brother. I realised that this was not a fairy story where the child is rescued from the monster, Archie is likely to require special intervention, treatment and he is not the only person to consider, because of my values (protecting the child) I had failed to look at it from more than one perspective in regard to how it would benefit

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