The Real Reason So Few Women are in the Boardroom, by Marty Nemko

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In “The Real Reason So Few Women are in the Boardroom,” Marty Nemko states the reasons why men are more prosperous in the workplace. He says that men choose work over personal relationships, and women often choose personal over business. Although Nemko uses rhetorical strategies to make good points about why some men are more successful in the workplace than women, he unnecessarily downgrades women about the decisions they make to be more family oriented.

Marty Nemko makes a few logical points in this article. Nemko feels that men are more successful in the workplace; his reason being is that women prioritize differently. Considering the fact that, “men aren’t as concerned about a tastefully decorated sparkling clean home.” This is important because he is saying that instead of spending more time at the office; women choose to place their priorities on more personal matters, such as keeping their home clean.” He then goes to say, if business owners make the workplace more family oriented and less professional, more jobs will be shipped offshore and overseas. This example shows that if Americans are not making their careers their main priority, their jobs will be taken away, and given to someone else that will choose work over family. At the beginning of “The Real Reason So Few Women are in the Boardroom,” he says that “women are rated as slightly better managers than men.” But then contradicts himself by saying, women have to make a choice between “working long and smart or accept a lower level job in exchange for work life.” This is important because he contradicts himself, if women are better managers than men; they should not have to choose between a lower level job and a long work week because they should be able to succe...

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...ugh Hamilton’s article contradicts everything that Nemko’s and Hewlett’s articles stand for, Hamilton also backs her claims up with facts, statistics, and sources.

Although it is still questionable about gender determining a role in the success of a career. All viewpoints are acceptable; women can be just as dedicated to a career as men. However, what all of the articles have in common is the fact that in order to be successful you have to sacrifice and have dedication.

Works Cited

Hamilton, Diane. "Women Becoming More Successful Than Men." Dr. Diane Hamilton’s Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Hewlett, Sylvia. "Executive Women and the Myth of Having it All." Harvard Business Review, n.d. Web. 03 Mar 2014.

Nemko, Marty. "The Real Reason So Few Women Are in the Boardroom." N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.

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