The Rape Of Nanjing

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Rape of Nanjing was a time when Japanese soldiers would maliciously kill, torture, and steal from the Chinese. The event began around the late 1930s. Before the Rape of Nanjing, Japan attempted to invade Manchuria. Manchuria is rich in coal and iron, which were resources Japan lacked. And so Manchuria was invaded by the Japanese on September 1931. For the same reason, Japan invaded China, at July 1937. The Chinese Nationalist Government moved the capital of China, to Nanjing, in 1928. Many refugees went towards, into the capital to be far away as possible from the approaching Japanese Soldiers. On December 13th, Japanese soldiers entered the city through the Zhongshan and the Pacific gate. The entrance of the Japanese Army ignited the Nanjing …show more content…

Imperialism is when one nation invades another nation, to bring nationalism, in other words, pride to their country. Nationalism and imperialism are the main causes of World War II and the causes of the Nanjing Massacre. During World War II, the Axis Powers attempted to gain power by breaking the rules, just as Japan was doing, before the war. The two broke the rule of war, through the use of manipulation and torture. Rape of Nanjing is one of the many events which proves, Japan is morally disoriented. Japan not only tried to invade China but also Korea, doing similar tyrannical actions. Japan had an intolerance towards race and religion, such as Christianity and Buddhism. Around religious worshiping places, nuns would be raped by Japanese soldiers. Raping violated the law of being a nun, in both Catholic and Buddhist faith. According to historical experts, Japanese soldiers raped around 20,000 women, in Nanjing. At Jem-Am-Li, on early April 1919, Japanese police started to march into this village, which consisted Christian believers. In this village, Japanese polices rounded Korean Christian and had them trapped inside their church, which was later on set on fire. Those who tried to escape were shot. The Japanese soldiers were morally disoriented, racial, and tyrannical during the Rape of Nanjing and their rule over other territories like …show more content…

Like the case with the nuclear weapons in the Middle East, their weapons should be confiscated. During the Rape of Nanjing, Japanese soldiers would murder civilians with poisonous gas and machine guns. Poison gas and machine guns were both of the many technologies from World War I. Technologies such as these must be appropriately used. Instead of using weapons for the purpose of war, the Japanese soldiers were using poison gas and machine guns to kill a whole city, a whole race, a possible major genocide, for land and power. Therefore, they abused their rights to own weaponry, breaking the rules of when to appropriately use weapons, mostly at the time of war. The Nanjing Massacre is illegal and a violation of the international law. Japan should have the same consequence as the Germans, with their genocide of the Jewish race, the Holocaust. According to Raul Castro, who was employed in Germany, since 2001, stated that Germany does include the Holocaust in their curriculum. Instead of censoring the events which happened in Nanjing, the Japanese should be held responsible for the events which happened in Nanjing and consider it in their history. The premise of history is to not repeat the causes of war but to refrain from war and learn what to do, in order to change the world for the better. Even after World War II, Japan still denies the Rape of Nanjing,

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