The Pulp Age In The 1930's

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The Pulp Age The Pulp Age was a long lasting era that stretched from 1929-1951. These were both some of the toughest and most glorifying years for America. The era spanned decades, however the peak was from 1937-1941. People in the Pulp Era would not be described as fortunate, but that never stopped them from trying to improve their lifestyle and succeed in any way possible. The years 1929-1951 were a crucial part of American history, as it was a time that impacted many lives, in more ways than one. This all began in the year 1929, which was a big year for many Americans, full of major events. The biggest event occurred on October 24, 1929, which was also known as Black Tuesday, a day that lives were changed forever. This is the day that …show more content…

This quote suits the time perfectly, “Millions of Americans were out of work; business and factories had closed by thousands, along with hundreds of banks.” (McNeese, p.g. 8). 1929 was the year that marked the start of the Great Depression and where the 1930’s would become a mixed decade of America’s time. The 1930’s were full of many highs and lows for the United States. It was a time that was chalked full of major events and depression. The beginning of the 1930’s was a struggle for a lot of people and many had a hard time making a living. During this time more than 15 million Americans were unemployed and half of them had to live in hoovervilles. However, a dramatic shift and life changing events began in the year 1932, the year of the New Deal. The New Deal stated that the government would intervene and would try to help the economic situation. “Over the next nine years, Roosevelt’s New Deal created a new role for government in American life,” ( Although the economy was struggling at the time, the government did indeed intervened and try to help those in trouble. Unfortunately, despite the government's best effort to help those who were struggling not much got better.

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