The Public and Media's Influence on Government and Politics

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Government and politics are greatly affected by many different aspects such as the public, the media, and much more. These aspects affect decisions that may be put into laws or the political opponents and their views. The public and media have major influence over the government and its politics.

Public is one of the main things that influence today’s government. The public is important, especially in things like elections and new laws. If a president candidate was for abortion, then he would lose part of the public who believe in pro-life, but would capture the vote of the people who are all for abortion. People running for office take into account what they believe in, but they also how the public will view them. Most of the time, candidates want to attract the public which means that most of their beliefs and decisions shift to what the public want to hear. Candidates try to focus on the immediate needs of the public. The Government are most likely to make decisions that the public will like. After this candidate is elected, then they can change their whole focus. Candidates just need the vote from the public. The worst fear of the Government and its possible candidates is rejection of the public. It would be very difficult to hold their position if most of the public hates them and their decisions. The Government tries to focus on what the public is most worried about. For example, in 2001, our country had a major terrorist attack. Most people fear for their safety and what the Government is going to do to ensure it. Most of the presidential candidates this last election focused on the war in Iraq and healthcare. These were issues that people are most concerned about. The public controls most of the Government and its decisi...

... middle of paper ...’t told on the news that sex offenders were being released from prison. This caused Megan’s law to go into effect when the public became aware of it. The public is growing up in a world that is controlled by the media. The media is very broad, but shows like Oprah focus on more touchy subjects such as abortion and marital problems. The media provides a place for political candidates to express their views and also offers ways for the public to get involved with the debate. To keep a business running, it needs profit. Campaigns get the media money to keep ads going and get information out to the public. This tends to be very expensive.

Many things affect the Government. Public is the main one. People and their opinions get people in and out of the office or get decisions to be made. The media also does a good job convincing the public by expressing their views.

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