The Psychological Effects of Divorce on the Members of a Family

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Divorce is a word that haunts many young children. Kids don't understand why it's happening; all they know us that they now have two homes, two families, two Christmases. The lives of every member of the family are forever changed. Everything they know and are familiar with will be different. This significant shift in lifestyle can cause many effects on various age groups of people. When a married couple is miserable and unhappy, considering divorce seems like the only answer. Some parents do not consider how much the divorce will affect their lives, along with the lives of their children. When a married couple gets divorced, children in the family have trust issues, teens become rebellious, and the couple themselves often go into severe depression or sadness. Effects on Adults The lives of adults who go through a divorce are changed forever. They often times experience financial difficulties, and have troubles providing for themselves due to the lack of two incomes. They now have to pay bills and buy groceries and clothing with only one salary. With only one person helping out around the house, taking care of chores becomes more of a hassle. Adults also experience numerous emotional changes like depression, anxiety, guilt, aggression, substance abuse, etc. (Derichs) Research also show that many adults often have trouble making future relationship commitments. They no longer believe in love and find it very difficult to trust others again. Their self-esteem is extremely damaged during the divorce and it can cause some to refuse to put themselves in a dating environment. Effects on Young Children Young children whose parents go through a divorce often have different reactions than other members of the family. Seeing their parents... ... middle of paper ... ...ut the reasons why and the kids will be more understanding and accept the divorce more. (Kemp, Smith & Segal, 2013) Conclusion When a married couple gets divorced, children in the family have trust issues, teens become rebellious, and the couple themselves often go into severe depression or sadness. In my experience, I have seen several of my friends’ parents go through a divorce. Their cheerful and always happy attitude seems to disappear overnight. Children feel as if the divorce is in some way their fault and they can often times be upset about it. Parents should try for the sake of their children to stay together, but when all else fails divorce should be considered. Working together and not letting their children see their unhappiness is one way that adults can help ease the pain. The lives of children is changed drastically after the divorce of their parents.

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