The Protestant Reformation

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Humans do not like changes, yet the human body must adapt to different environments; perhaps it is just that humans do not like changes when it can be controlled. Most people are familiar with the Protestant Reformation, this occurred around 1517 ( Staff). During this Reformation, churches established structures and beliefs that are still observed and worshipped today; consequently, the churches were purified and reconstructed. The Protestant Reformation is well known throughout the religious communities, yet it is not the only Reformation that had effects on churches. The Catholic Reformation was commenced by the Roman Catholic’s in an effort to fight Protestantism in Europe as well as to redevelop itself. Proposition to reform …show more content…

Some people may ask how the Church came to be in such bad conditions, the answer is that the Church had so much power and wealth that it led to the corruption of the clergy. As the Protestant religion gained more support it put the Catholic’s politics in a feeble position. As a result, the popes took over the Catholic Reformation for the most part, yet they recreated the Catholic doctrine based off of the criticism that was given to the Protestant Church (CITE). Eventually, after several years the papacy was also reformed to help diminish corruption. Overall, these Reformations had an influential impact on the churches, but they also changed the intellectual and cultural sides of the countries (CITE). However, not all of the consequences of the Reformations were positive, some lands were left with rebellions, wars, and persecutions (Linder). The adjustments that transpired also shaped the politics of countries, leaving their government's inadequate. A majority of Protestant churches were affected by one of these Reformations, but the Catholic church was impacted harder by the Reformations than the …show more content…

The people that practice the Lutheran religion today believe that the words in the Bible are meant to be inspiring. Lutherans believe that the Bible gives people everything they need to live a Christian life (Lutheranism wiki). They also conclude that the Bible joined with the Holy Spirit to create the foundation for its teachings. Lutherans confess that Jesus is God and man in one figure (Lutheranism wiki). Lutherans teach that the Bible has two types content, that being the Law and the Gospel (Lutheranism wiki). Lutherans also practice two sacraments, and those are Baptism and the Communion. They practiced that baptisms helped forgive one’s sins (Lutheranism wiki). Luther’s love for music allowed the Lutheran Church to pursue the world of music and is one of the reasons why music is considered such a large part of the Lutheran Church services (Lutheranism wiki). Lutheran churches have gained an opinion on homosexuality. The Lutheran church believes that homosexuality goes against God’s Word, but the Evangelical Lutheran Church is more welcoming to homosexual people in the church. Although, the Evangelical welcomes homosexual worshippers into the church, it does not bless the marriages (Lutheranism). There have been countless changes to the Lutheran Church from the time Martin Luther created it to this day; nevertheless,

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