The Prosecution’s Indictment of Mr. George Stevens

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The Prosecution’s Indictment of Mr. George Stevens

In the story The Garies and Their Friends by Frank Webb, one man is responsible for the race riot. The prosecution charges Mr. George Stevens with Inciting a Riot and Seditious Conspiracy. We intend to prove these charges beyond a reasonable doubt. We will do this by presenting overwhelming evidence of his guilt. He manipulated people and circumstances to his full advantage to implement his plan. His agenda was one of violence against innocent Black men and women. These already oppressed citizens, became tragically disenfranchised as a result of his actions. He has torn the fabric of their livelihood into pieces, leaving many homeless. His wanton destruction and ruthless actions deserve harsh punishment by this jury.

Mr. Stevens used racial propaganda like that of Hitler’s National Socialist Republic Party. His purpose was to incite riots, and eradicate the Blacks from his neighborhood. He and his cohort, Mr. Morton would then buy up the devalued property. The motive here, being purely profit for Mr. Stevens and his friend. Mr. Stevens attempted to promote a violent, angry mob to carry out his plan. There are numerous instances in which this attempt is evident, “Mr. Stevens had been actively engaged in promoting his riot scheme; and already several disturbances had occurred, in which a number of inoffensive coloured people had been injured in their persons and property” (175).

Mr. Stevens is also opposed to inter-racial marriage. This is evident in his hatred of Mr. and Mrs. Garie. This is the racial defilement ideology propagated by Hitler, "No German man may take a Jewish woman as his wife, and no German girl may marry a Jew. Thos...

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...ers” as he called them, consumed him completely. If it were not for his intentional incitement, none of this would have happened. Mr. Morton was brought into the conspiracy plot only through Stevens’ influence. Mr. McCloskey is an easily manipulated poor wretch. Were it not for his circumstances, he would never have involved himself in the rioting. We therefore ask the jury to find George Stevens guilty of Inciting a Riot and Seditious Conspiracy.

Works Cited

Bytwerk, Randall. German Propaganda Archive: National Socialist Racial Policy. 1997.

Freethinkers BBS. Hitler's Religious Beliefs and Fanaticism. Date Unknown.

Webb, Frank. The Garies and Their Friends.

Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press. 1997

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