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Health screening advantages and disadvantages
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The Benefits and Dis-benefits of Health Screening. The Contribution of Psychology in Health Screening.
Health screening, according to Durojaiye, (2009), is a systematic application of a test or inquiry to identify individuals at risk of a specific health problem. This enables further investigation or direct preventive action, among individuals who have not sought medical attention on account of their symptoms of that problem. Screening is different to diagnosis as it is performed on people without symptoms; it does not provide a diagnosis but rather identifies individuals at increased risk for follow-up diagnostic testing. Therefore, the main aim of screening program is to detect disease or risk factors among the general population, in order to carry out preventive or therapeutic intervention because the highest benefit one can derive from a specific treatment is when the disease is less advanced (Trevena, 2009).
There are a number of benefits expected from health screening and much research has shown the benefits that health screening provides to the health sector. However, in recent years research is emerging with the agenda of opportunity cost of health screening. As result many scholars have indicated that there is a significant number of disadvantages associated with heath screening. This essay explores the benefits and dis-benefits of health screening, and highlights the contribution of psychology to health screening.
Wardle & Pope (1992) claimed that evaluating the benefits of health screening can be very difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that premature death from chronic diseases, fore example breast and cervical cancer is comparatively rare and consequently very large sam...
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...ammography: Cochrane Database Syst Rev (Issue 4): Art. No.: CD001877. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
Skravanek, P. (1988). The debate over mass mammography in Britain: Br Med J; 297: 1542.
Stewart-Brown, S. and Farmer, A. (1997) Screening could seriously damage your health BMJ; 314: 533
Stoate, H. G. (1989). Can health screening damage your health? J Roy Co11 Gen Practitioners; 39:193-195.
Trevena L. (2009) Cancer screening Reprinted from Australian Family Physician: School of Public Health, University of Sydney, New South Wales. Vol. 38, No. 4
Tymstra, T. (1986) False Positive Results in Screening Tests: Experiences of Parents of Children Screened for Congenital Hypothyroidism, Oxford University Press Vol3, No. 2
Wardle, J., and Pope, R. (1992) The Psychological Costs of Screening for Cancer, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 609-624.
Note that the introduction of screening may produce short-term rises (AIHW, Cancer incidence projections) due to greater detection.
... being identified few studies have truly explored the efficacy of implementing school based screening programs solely in urban schools. Current studies of note have focused primarily on middle-class and/or suburban population. Once again showing the lack of attention or focus exclusively on African American youth.
For many years researchers have endeavoured to enhance current methods in cervical screening which utilises the Papanicolaou smear (also known as a Pap smear). Limitations in the smear have caused major emphasis to increase sensitivity and specificity whilst also creating an automated screening procedure. The Pap smear was initially introduced in the context of cervical screening in the detection of pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix in 1940’s (Koss, 1989). Cervical screens are vital as research has shown 90% of women with invasive cervical carcinoma could be prevented by finding any lesions early (Grace. et al. (2001). Cervical screening in the UK presented with an annual reduction of 7% but the Pap smear also possesses many limitations such as high error rates (Graff. et al. 1987) Figure 1.
Baxter, N. (2001). Preventive health care, 2001 update: Should women be routinely taught breast self-examination to screen for breast cancer? CMAJ, 164(13), 1837-1846.
The Information gathered in 2012 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studies concluded that cervical cancer, “... used to be the leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States” (“Cervical Cancer Statistics”). But these statistics have gone down significantly in the past forty years because Planned Parenthood facilities provide to women pap smears to detect cell changes before the cancer develops. On the other hand, Planned Parenthood does not directly provide mammograms for women, their doctors and nurses “... teach patients about breast care, [and] connect patients to resources to help them get mammograms” ("Breast Cancer Screenings"). The important health care work done by the Planned Parenthood Clinics is, at times, over sought and even forgotten when the organization is embroiled in controversy as it finds itself in
second, prenatal testing, is a testing of a fetus at risk for the disease. The
There are many risks that affect breast cancer. One of the reasons it is more common, is because we have better medical equipment that detects breast cancer at an earlier stage than before. An estimated 192,370 new cases of breast cancer will occu...
Early detection is the key to life after Breast Cancer. Effects that help to early detection goes as the fallowing; Yearly mammograms, Clinical Examinations, and checking yourself monthly. “Mammograms are a specific type of imaging that uses a low-dose x-ray system a...
Within the past thirty years, researchers have found strong evidence linking genes and disease. The development of predictive genetic tests followed shortly after the isolation of certain candidate genes. Although predictive genetic screening is only available for a handful of diseases, its effects and ramifications have become hotly debated issues in a wide range of areas, from government to religion. The debate began in the 1993 when researchers isolated the BRCA1 gene, which is associated with increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. The discovery of this gene led to excitement and speculation of developing a predictive genetic test to identify those women at risk for these cancers. In this paper, I will first describe the biology of genetic testing, and then discuss the pros and cons of predictive genetic testing.
“Estimated to be diagnosed in 1 of every 8 women in their lifetime, breast cancer continues to present a public health concern (Haber 2322)”. Breast cancer is not biased. It affects men and women of all races and ages. “Cancer represents 30% of the burden posed by no communicable diseases in the Region of the Americas of the World Health Organization (Luciani, Silvana 640)”. In men it affects less than 1 percent of the population. Routine mammograms and checkups are not only healthy but can also save lives. Giving the doctor thirty minutes of your time could ultimately mean the difference between life and death in some cases.
Blatt, R., An Overview of Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Test in Health Care. Obtained form www.geneletter.org/0996/screening.htm
Genetic testing, also known as screening, is a rapidly advancing new scientific field that can potentially revolutionize not only the world of medicine, but many aspects of our lives. Genetic screening is the sequencing of human DNA in order to discover genetic differences, anomalies, or mutations that may prove pathological. As genetic screening becomes more advanced and easily accessible, it presents society with difficult questions that must be asked about the boundaries of science and to what degree we are allowed to tamper with the human genome. To better understand the potential impact of genetic screening on our society, we must examine the potential benefits in comparison to the possible negative impact it may cause. With this knowledge in hand, we can examine what the future holds for this field of study and the best possible direction to take.
Another test for early detection of prostate cancer has been the digital rectal exam (DRE). Although DRE is a better method for early detection, it is also a hindrance among men, particularly African-American men, to screening and early detection (Plowden, 2009). According to American Cancer Society (ACS) and American Urological Association (AUA), the PSA and DRE should be offered annually for all men beginning at age 50 (Gray, 2009). However, they also recommend that African-American men with a family history of prostate cancer should begin testing by age 45 (Plowden, 2009). However, due to the cultural barriers to prostate screening such as lack of understanding, traditions, mist...
This assignment consists of two parts. Whereas part 1 will analyses the causes and impacts of health issues to individual, communities and nation. Also will address the preventive measure and methods to overcome from these health issues noted. Moreover in this part will discuss the understanding of global and national health priorities. On the other hand part B will give a comparison about the primary and secondary data of the global burden of disease with that of Maldives situation. Finally, there will be a conclusion based on the findings of this essay.
As explained by Loghmani, Borhani, & Abbaszadeh, (2014), to establish the specific health conditions of a given family, a family health assessment is important to be performed. In addition, this procedure gives the nurse and other health care practitioners the ability to identify the health needs of the family. Therefore, through this process the nurse achieves the opportunity to communicate with the family, examine to detect potential risks for any health issues, get opportunities for health education, and provide health. Moreover, for the nurse to effectively succeed in this assessment, the interview needs to be performed effectively, data piled appropriately, and the nurse completes the examination. Guided by the Gordon’s 11 functional health