The Pros And Cons Of The Public Sphere

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From the public sphere comes a social contract, a contract in which citizens have to abide by in order to ensure that others have their personal freedoms all the while keeping their own intact. Jean-Jacques Rousseau brought to light this social contract that has been put into a democratic system of thought. He believed that the contract enabled us to make a society in which all are equal and conventionally free. The consequences of becoming part of this social contract can be daunting however; the stipulations are that when one signs the social contract they have dropped some of his or her own freedoms and gained an equal share of conventional liberty. However, Democracy is rather than a slave to the people more so an employee, giving the people …show more content…

One of the biggest enemies of the public sphere and its workings is religion. If one were to bring religion into the public sphere it could be detrimental to society. The public sphere is dominated by the majority and it is this majority that could push out the minority religions and make them unable to participate within the public sphere. Thus to not favor one opinion over the other when not based upon absolute fact. Of course the government similarly will not limit its citizens to certain faiths, for that is one of the freedoms ensured to its people. John Locke produces an assumption that since there will always be these two separate responsibilities the people feel important. Those responsibilities being to the Magistrate as well as to their own personal faith it is important to respect the serration between what has come to be thought of as the soul and the matter. Since God, or any other religious deity is that of a dictator, democracy cannot consider their alleged messenger’s argument to be valid. And since the messenger considers their views as the absolute truth the public sphere is then choked of its ability to argue; one can only argue with reason. Therefore, secular reasoning must be the only reasoning allowed into the public sphere. They cannot use emotional manipulation or manipulation in the words of God. One’s soul does not enter into the public sphere because the government and therefore, the public, is only interested in the body while in the public sphere. This concludes that although the state is required to respect the autonomy of its citizens, in all matters does the state have to consider the body of the individual and never the

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