The Pros And Cons Of Sex Education

1557 Words4 Pages

Melissa Decker
October 11, 2015
Sex education Sex education is a wide topic that carries the knowledge about all issues and activities that are associated with sex. Among the sexual activities that form crucial par in sex education, include the reproduction process, the conjugal act, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, the utilization of contraceptives among other issues (Rosen, Nancy and Scott 6). Sex education is among the critical issues that that attracts debates in not only homes but also in schools. In the modern times, sex education has become more controversial, with various people and organizations staging debates as to whether it should feature in public schools for study purposes (Gilbert 138). Various individuals and organizations disagree when it comes to debate about the sex education issue. …show more content…

Thorough sex education, an individual develops into a responsible adult with knowledge about sexual issues vital during the adult age. Again, it solves numerous sexuality problems, which people perceive in form of myths and hallucinations (Kendall 3). Despite the demerits of sex education, the merits are quite critical and positive in transforming lives of individuals and the general society.

Works cited
Campos, David. Sex, Youth, and Sex Education a Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2002. 22-29. Print.
Gilbert, Jen. Sexuality in School the Limits of Education. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 2014. 130-144. Print.
Kendall, Nancy. The Sex Education Debates. Chicago: U of Chicago, 2013. 5-6. Print.
Lamb, Sharon. Sex Ed for Caring Schools: Creating an Ethics-based Curriculum. New York: Teachers College, 2013. 1-6. Print.
Rosen E,James, Nancy J. Murray, and Scott Moreland. "Policy Working Paper Series." Sexuality Education in Schools - POLICY Project Volume 1.Issue 23 (2004): 1-11. Policy Work Inc. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.

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